I'm confused...
Tufted Titmouse
Joined: 15 Apr 2009
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 39
Location: Melbourne, Australia
I'm wondering if I'm just an introvert, not an Aspie. But introvert's DO have good social skills that they CAN improve on. And I find that when I'm feeling confident, I'll tell everyone I talk to all about my obsessions, and once I'm talking, I don't notice if they're getting bored. But I was looking through my check-ups I had when I was five (I was born 3 months early), and they said I had average IQ, used more words when speaking than average, had lower than average coordianation, but gave 'appropriate' eye contact. I must add I don't have any routines, and I can deal with change (with careful planning). And when I was on an aquatics camp in year 7, everyone was getting changed in tents. The boys stole my towel, and I though they were playing games with me, so I thought it would be funny if I poked my head around the door.
I did not want to see them naked, but everyone called me a 'perv' and I got humiliated by the teacher in front of everyone, and she shouted at me for not giving her eye contact then. And my brother was annoying me at a train station in public, so I decided to 'joke around' and pull a knife out on him. A REAL knife!
And if I get embarrased, my mind goes blank. Like I cannot communicate! But maybe I'm just screwed up. In my own introverted way
Sorry I just feel so CONFUSED right now!
Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative - Oscar Wilde
hi Greengrrl- sorry you're feeling confused.
you might have a.s- it is subtly different in girls than in boys.
what you hvae described sounds like a.s, but its not much to go on- do you identify with other things said on the forums here? read through different subjects and see what you thnk.
sensory problems? trouble thinking sometimes? reading clocks? following verbal instructions? 3d modeling?
everyone, nt, as, whatever, behaves stupidly at times for a joke and then regrets it afterwards- its part of life. embaressing, but everyone does it. best thng you can do is agree you were an idiot-' yeah, what WAS i thinking?? im USCH an idiot at times' and laugh...
if you cant communicate when you are stressed that could be normal for someone who is shy, or could be from as- does it hurt you to speak- do you feel physically unable to open you mouth? thats what a shutdown (being so stressed or tired that my mind switches off) does to me. i usually fall down, too. there is a post about coping with shut downs just below your one-do you identify with the coments in that?
there are several tests online for a.s, which might give you an idea.

Sorry I just feel so CONFUSED right now!
This is a typical, "normal" FEMALE response to NAKED boys...now, if you had been a MALE poking your head around the corner of a locker room then, I could understand why the boys called you a "perv" (pervert) and it would be accurate. Anyone would be confused by a statement used wrongly so, don't feel sorry.
Tufted Titmouse
Joined: 15 Apr 2009
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 39
Location: Melbourne, Australia
sensory problems? trouble thinking sometimes? reading clocks? following verbal instructions? 3d modeling?
everyone, nt, as, whatever, behaves stupidly at times for a joke and then regrets it afterwards- its part of life. embaressing, but everyone does it. best thng you can do is agree you were an idiot-' yeah, what WAS i thinking?? im USCH an idiot at times' and laugh...
I can identify with lots of the things said on this forum (which is why I joined

Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative - Oscar Wilde
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