Oh, wow...I think I´ve worded my question wrong...
I´ve been reading a lot about AS lately, and I keep reading that many people- (and very often women)- have "coping strategies" that mask their difficulties, so it is often hard to diagnose. I thought "coping strategies" therefore meant that one has other ways of cognitively learning social situations, rather than doing it intuitively...you see, I´m always doing this, I sometimes tend to misunderstand exactly what they mean by the words they use, if they don´t give specific examples....
But, no matter...you guys have explained what coping strategies you use personally to help yourselves, which is great...a lot of good answers! (Maybe that´s what a "coping strategy" really is? I feel so stupid now....)
Anyway, so I will add a few of my own, then at a later date I´ll do the other thread, and try to word it differently...
1. Yes, escape route, or an independent way of getting home is imperative...and I learned the hard way!
2. If I´m at a big social gathering with someone I know who´s very good socially, I´ll often stick with that person- (my brother is great for this, I´ve been using him as a coping strategy for years). First off, he can always keep a conversation going with anyone, is good with names and faces, etc. So I just stand there nursing a drink, adding something if I can think of something to say, just smiling if I can´t. This makes me appear social, I think.
3. Often, if I´m at someone´s house, I offer to help with food preparation. Sitting in the kitchen peeling potatoes is often quieter and relaxing, almost meditative. This works well if you are a woman- (don´t know if it would work for men)- but I notice it seems to be okay and socially acceptable for a woman to do this, it´s just considered "being helpful".
4. If I´m at a family social gathering, I pretty much always end up playing with the kids, leaving the adults to talk about their boring stuff....(Once again, if you take an interest in someone´s kids, they´ll often like you and appreciate it).
5. Of course, a little wine is always good....
6. If things start to get too difficult, I´ll sometimes pick up an interesting book or play with a few objects. I think this looks better than if I´m just sitting there, looking like I´m not involved, and looking like I don´t know how to join in...at least this way, I look like I´m preoccupied and like it´s on purpose. (Don´t know if that´s such a good coping strategy, though...I do it anyway. I have been known to just sit and read a book at a party...)
I know there´s more, I just have to think of them. To be continued-
"death is the road to awe"