Dilbert wrote:
bhetti wrote:
perhaps if we try hard we can breed brilliance right out of the human race.
I like that statement.
Well... there are all sorts of people in the World: totalitarian politicians, clergy, dishonest businessman; who would like nothing better than to have a whole planet populated with mediocre conformists without an original thought of their own. That'd be interesting to see actually. It'd be like Atlas Shrugged, wouldn't it?
Nikola Tesla was autistic. Imagine if he wasn't around and the World's standard electric current were DC? A power station every few miles? Tee-hee.
It sounds like the wet dream of virtually every single controlling person who ever lived. Actually, it sounds like some Mormon communities, especially the polygamist ones, where if you don't obey the prophet's every commandment and/or have The Spirit 24/7 you are tossed out or even killed ("blood atonement", the idea that the sinner must spill his own blood to atone for his sin, dreamed up by Brigham Young), leaving a society of very dull people, people who have astronomical numbers of deformed babies from eugenic practices. Mormons are incredibly gullible; if the bishop's son endorses a scheme, it's ok, then they wonder how he could spend it all on a mansion and a Bentley.
Also, the Japanese tried building a DC power grid, but ultimately gave up. It simply didn't work. That's why Japanese AC runs on 100v, it was intended for DC. It's likely that we'd still be stuck in the 19th century, and you would squat in a sit down tub to wash yourself, then your servants would carry the full tub upstairs to bathe the kids. And the tubs were IRON! We'd still get around on horses or maybe bicycles. Only the rich would have cars, since Henry Ford, the autistic inventor of the mass produced, cheap car, would never have lived. There might be a few trains and such. It would be a tough life. Most people would be small farmers, toiling in the soil all their lives for food. Without electricity, the marvels of the modern world would not exist. They depend on AC power, which was invented by Tesla. Take Tesla out of history and you end up with a VERY different 2009.