ManErg wrote:
Pehaps science is a spectrum?
Physics, mechanical engineering, chemistry, are at one end. Moving towards the centre we have astronomy and geology (and many others). ..
Psychiatry and psychology are right out at the other end. Would psychiatry be 'more' scientific than psychology? I don't know, but if anything evoloutionary psychology is in a worse position as it is has less of the objective rigor we expect of science than even regular psychology.
Oh you mean the physical sciences are "hard sciences" and the ones at the other end psychology and sociology etc are "soft sciences"?
So the more inferences and less hard empirical evidence the softer the science?
Interesting how you've put the mathematical object orientated pattern based "proofs" at one and the more intuitive based social emotional analysis at the other.
Two different styles of thinking?
What about the sciences vs the humanities?
It would be nice if some of psychology had some objective medical tests though.
I'm more comfortable with the sciences of amount and "stuff" like chemistry.
If it's matter, measurable and I can hold it in my hands, I tend to feel more comfortable and in control.
I feel less comfortable about trying to speculate what's going on in someone's head though because I frequently get that wrong...