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24 May 2009, 10:23 pm

Ok so a common person has .00666 chance of getting Autism, that's roughly half a percent, if we are such a rare group why is it we must spread apart so much? Granted free wills is in factor, but even with our non-socialization, wouldn't it be better if we were all in if you willour own sub society in society? Does anybody else see what I'm saying or am I just burning precious time?

It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.

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Blue Jay
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24 May 2009, 11:39 pm

Possibly we seek those different from ourselves.

My thought is that we all have ideosyncrocies where we can't be around others, muchless ourselves. Many here seem to want to be gregarious, but have traits that prevent that, where others seek seclusion, but can't due to the social layout.

I know it's confusing.

Then again, can meeting others like ourselves be difficult due to geographical location? How may we overcome this problem?

Can we also build a network that allows us to support each other in our local areas?

Difficult questions. Plus, we're all different and we all have our own lives to live.

20 minutes into the future.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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24 May 2009, 11:40 pm

i get your drift, for the most part i never realy felt a sense of community in the world im living in. the past year ive bin going to these aspi support groups 1x a month, as i study outher people on the spectrum and compare them to myself i often wonder with all the skills tallent and gifts we have collectively if we were to organise and mobilize with a common focus, there isnt much we colectively could not do. the perverbrial world is our oyster comes to my mind. this is a group of 30 or so people. its interesting to think in terms of thousands of spectrum people united in a sub society capacity. if anything wrong planet would be the launching platform for such an endeavor

everything exists in this world only in relation to its opposite


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25 May 2009, 8:12 am

we could go to a uninhabited island and claim it for the autistics and start a country there.


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25 May 2009, 8:37 am

Prediction: it wouldn't end well! :lol:


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25 May 2009, 9:47 pm

Yeah well the island isn't such a good idea we don't need another "lost" series about real life, however I really suggested the idea because of what was previeously mentioned, in we all have great aspects among ourselves that put together; were almost a huge brain, and because I love my parents, but they don't understand me and probably never will, they have changed since my diagnosis and it's sad but I'm done trying with them, I'm very alone in life right now, I don't have a GF, couldn't get one of I tried I'm so oblivious to almost every expression of emotion and body language it's not even funny, *laugh*, anyways and I've got but one sibling who is 5 I'm 15, know one in my whole family tree has AS either. I've come accustom to it however I can't say I'm to happy? I've seen slot of things in 15 years some really bad things and good things, and I mean bad, mental hospitals not a great place to sleep! I have now come to a point where I need someone like me to lean on but no one is here so I was just thinking of the idea of a sub community?

It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.

Albert Einstein


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25 May 2009, 9:51 pm

Wouldn't work - a society would definitely need NT's to deal with social things - and all the other stuff we can't deal with.


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26 May 2009, 7:02 am

There was a series of threads here a while ago about starting a commune, but it didn't go anywhere.


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26 May 2009, 7:38 am

NomadicAssassin wrote:
Ok so a common person has .00666 chance of getting Autism, that's roughly half a percent, if we are such a rare group why is it we must spread apart so much?

I don't agree with your premise at all. Certain society like the Japanese elevate and encourage those with nerdy talents. As did Silicon Valley in California. And big companies like Microsoft had founders...

In fact, there is a big problem with the genetic aspects and modern husband/wife meeting in the same workplace with similar interest. Previously the two probably would have never had kids, but now that they meet each other - more offspring.

The real issue is that in modern society there is a larger human population than any time in history - but diversity is on the decline. In almost all forms.