Good link.
I got a 121, but I probably should have scored a little lower.
I think I leaned a little toward one kind of answer. I'm in a mood right now.
Hmm... I don't know the name of it. It's kind of related to "defiant" or "chip on my shoulder," but that's not exactly right.
mechanicalgirl39 wrote:
I also have physical sensations without the emotion to go with them. I've often been in situations where I should be fearful, but don't feel actual fear, and wonder why I'm producing so much adrenaline.
I get that, but without the adrenaline. That might come hours or days later, or not at all. But I wouldn't call it confusion at all. When I'm in a life-threatening situation, the first question is "how the hell do I get out of this," not "how do I feel." Adrenaline might help you to get away from a hungry aligator or a thug in an alley, but I don't see too many of them. The way to get out of a rip-tide is to stay calm, save your energy, stay up at the top as though body surfing, and let the waves take you home an inch at a time. When hubby tried to burn the house down last year, panic didn't put it out --
I DID. By thinking. Panic is not very useful in the modern world.
I don't see the ability to think rationally in a panic situation as a deficiency.
I see it as a difference that would be beneficial to any tribe.
I have feelings. It's just that the logic kicks in first and I can, to an extent, control them rather than being controlled by them.
(Again, we are not a disease. We are the cure. Have I said that too much?)