Am I the only Sacral Chakra? (what is a chakra anyways?)
You Are the Sacral Chakra
You are open hearted and expressive. (No) You let your feelings be known, without being too emotional about it. (Sometimes)
You are very sensual and comfortable with your own sexuality. (Complete opposite) You are passionate and alive. (Getting back there)
You feel inspired, happy, and creative. (Does this description allow any human emotions? Seriously, who the heck is like that most of the time? Maybe some of the time, but most people are usually in a in between happy and sad doing stuff kind of mode. I have no clue if any of you guys get what I'm meaning, guess I'm a bit tired.) You are able to live the life you want without fear of judgement. (Heck I fear judgement, but I do it anyways)
You have a lot of respect for yourself and other people. (Mostly, I don't agree with myself as much, but it's been better lately) You never violate others' boundaries or let them violate yours. (Now true)