Omnicognic wrote:
Granted: you wake up broke and hungover on the beach near Kingston, being jabbed awake by a dredlocked windsurfing instructor named Gotte, you realize you missed your flight and are stuck penniless.. Gotte takes you to stay with him and his 9 kids and wife who live in a corrigated tin one room house way back in the hills till you can get money to get home...(lol happened to me, not as fun as it sounds)
Wow, great guy that Gotte.
Omnicognic wrote:
I wish I could get a job where I could go to sea again..
Granted. You are back in Jamaica, you have a intense job and a view on the sea... from the cold steel bars at night - you are slavering away in a druglab chained to the table packing marihuana.
I wish there where no country borders
"It all start with Hoborg, a being who had to create, because... he had to. He make the world full of beauty and wonder. This world, the Neverhood, a world where he could live forever and ever more!"