Amon Goeth, the concentration camp commander most remembered from'Schindler's List' had an affair in 1944 with his secretary, Ruth Irene Kalder.
Their daughter, Monika, was born in 1945.
She was raised with no knowledge of her father.
While a young woman, she had a very brief affair with a foreign-born student, and became the mother of a baby girl she named Jennifer.
At some point, she learned who her father had been ( he had been executed by then, his last words being 'Heil Hitler'), had a breakdown, and gave her baby up for adoption.
The little girl was adopted by a family who loved her dearly, and who did not know who she was.
She did not discover her grandfather's identity until she herself was a wife and mother of two.
The discovery devastated her......she recovered from the emotional/psychological shock, and has written a book.
The title is 'Amon: My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me'.
This is because the foreign student that her mother was involved with was from Nigeria.
Amon Goeth's granddaughter is black.
Student Body President, Miskatonic University