~Space Mike~
"We could go any time." replies Mike. "One thing that should be noted, once the wormhole is open DO NOT under any circumstances touch it's edge. If you do then half of whatever touches it will be transported to Nexus Station and the other half will stay here, it's basically like an infinitely sharp blade that can cut through anything with no resistance at all. There are shield devices that fold out to cover the edges so you will probably be fine, but just so you know they are dangerous. Also there is gravity in the station, don't let that take you by surprise because if it does then you might smack your face into the ground."
He instructs Mason to depressurize the wormhole chamber in preparation for their arrival, only to be reminded that Mason's oxygen supply still has a hole in it. Crap. We need someone in there with a working space suit to enter the command to open the wormhole. We can't open the wormhole enough to send a person through while it's in the ship, if only we had a robot that could- Wait, we do! "Sam, I need you to do something for me."
Sam: "Name it."
Mike: "I will need you to enter the wormhole to nexus station and enter some console commands."
Sam: "I could do ya' one better, I can hook up directly to the wormhole management system computer."
Mike: "Oh yeah... Do that then."
Sam: "Will do."
Mike unhooks Sam from the ship's systems and brings him back up to the crew compartment. After telling everyone to stand back he takes out the wormhole containment capsule and opens it up. "OK Mason hit it!" he says as he stands back. A small sphere appears in the ship and through it can be seen the wormhole chamber in Nexus Station and releases a small gust of wind as the pressure equalizes on either side, it grows until it's big enough for the wormhole nodes to come through on robotic arms, stretching the wormhole into a triangle big enough for Sam to go through. Mike pushes Sam through the wormhole and he falls to the ground on the other side seconds before the wormhole shrinks again. Mike captures the wormhole in the containment device again and says "Is everyone ready to go to Nexus Station?"
~Earth Mike~
Sam informs Mike "There seem to be some rather unusual gravitational waves here, I could be wrong but it seems like wormholes are opening near us." Mike replies "I have to see this. Did you say wormholes, as in more then one?"
Sam: "Yep, and it seems to be coming from that city."
Mike: "I must see what's causing this."
Mike quickens his pace and stays alert in hope of finding the source of the strange readings.
Also known as MarsMatter.
Diagnosed with Asperger's, ADD, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder in 2004.
In denial that it was a problem until early 2016.
Deviant Art