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Kiprobalhato Veteran
Joined: 25 Mar 2014Age: 28Gender: FemalePosts: 29,119Location: מתחת לעננים
Peas. Çatalhöyük or Tenochtitlan?
Booyakasha Veteran
Joined: 6 Oct 2009Gender: FemalePosts: 13,898
Tenochtitlan Kuran or Bhagavad Gita?
Sedentarian Veteran
Joined: 28 Aug 2013Gender: FemalePosts: 6,682Location: Madison, WI
Kuran Israel or Saudi Arabia?
DeepHour Veteran
Joined: 1 Jun 2014Gender: MalePosts: 84,535Location: United Kingdom
Israel Beef or Chicken?
SyAn Veteran
Joined: 11 Jul 2013Gender: FemalePosts: 1,822
Chicken ************ Lightbulb or candle?
candles are more fun to make. spring or fall?
Fall! The best season of the year. Dawn or dusk?
Dawn. Same question.
Question (same is boring) ************ Being cold or sweating?
jk1 Veteran
Joined: 30 Sep 2012Gender: MalePosts: 6,817
Sweating. I would've chosen being cold a few years ago as I tend to feel hot very easily but I heard being cold is damaging to health while sweating is fine as long as you drink enough water. ~~~ sleeping or eating?
Sleeping - at least it doesn't cause indigestion. Science or art?
Science ~~~ Cookies or biscuits?
Cookies! Rice or pasta?
Rice Flat (Apartment) or House?
House Living in the city or somewhere isolated?
In the city 1980s or 1990s?