The House(New Roleplay)
"Mythra! That's not acid - that's necrotising fagitis."
Roland knew he had to work fast - this stuff grew exponentially and soon it would turn Mythra into a pile of foul-smelling flesh.
Quickly he went into the book of the dead and looked up the spell for this - it was too difficult to use in his state.
There was one last resort but it was painful and dangerous.
Taking a shell from his gunbelt he forced Mythra to watch him spin it across the top of his palm.
In a minute she was standing - completely hynotised.
Putting his hands to her forehead he began a chant.
"Ma-shelk Monsasd Likism"
In moments both were standing there screming in agony.
But as he stepped away the wounds were completely gone from Mythra.
Instead, they were on Roland.
"Wake, Mythra"
How good music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy!
Mythra went cold inside at the words roland spoke...she had not considered it. It was slow acting, but in her already precarious state, it could prove lethal to her very quickly. Looking frantically into his eyes, she was about to leave the room to find somewhere quiet when Roland took his book of the dead and opened it to a page. Scanning his face, she could see an idea dawning, but she wasn't sure she would like it.
She was about to push past him to escape the room, but found herself held in place and forced to watch a shell which he had set spinning. A strange nothingness crept in and she found herself in an empty whiteness. She did not know how much time passed, but when she opened her eyes, they widened and before she could stop herself, she cried out, 'No!, what have you done?' What had afflicted her, now afflicted Roland...he had used tranference and taken the condition on himself.
Struggling with herself, she touched his arm, then turned away and found herself pacing. Back and forth she paced, muttering to herself different magical combinations, hoping she might have enough power to do something. Every so often, she paused and looked back at him, or wrung her hands.
'No, no, no', she said, 'you shouldn't have done that'
I am diagnosed as a human being.
"It was the least I could do after what I made you do."
He was barely holding in his emotions.
He was panicking on the inside - he had only hours before he would die.
"Let's just destroy this damn house and get out. We can worry about the bacteria and the bond later."
He was determined not to break down again.
"Let's go."
How good music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy!
Stopping her pacing, Mythra looked at Roland for a few moments, trying to see through his usual stoic exterior. Stepping a little closer, she stared at his face. Fear...she saw fear there. It wasn't visible to anyone else, but she could see it there.
Nodding her head in agreement, she turned away from him and went to the door that now provided a way out, even as she reeled inside...what was she going to do? She was losing her mind slowly, and he was losing his flesh slowly.
'Let us do what we came here to do... ', she said softly.
I am diagnosed as a human being.
Gabrielle smiled - Roland wan't threat anymore and she wanted to hurt him deep.
And she knew just how.
She'd kill that little b***h
Mythra - or was it Mrytin?
She couldn't remember and it didn't matter. she'd be dead soon.
Emerging from the shadows she saw Roland draw his guns.
Giggling to herself she stopped him dead in his tracks.
And she dead the same with that hound of his.
"No, no, no. I'm gonna play with your little friend.'
Walking over to Mythra she opened up her hand - firing raw magic right at her.
"Were gonna have so much fun!"
With that a sick grin came across Gabrielle's face.
How good music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy!
Mythra had just set off down the corridor when a creeping sense of dread came over her. Stopping dead in her tracks, she took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, before turning to see if Roland was behind her. He was, and she almost sighed in relief until she noticed something...someone move out of the shadows which had been concealing them. It was Gabrielle, and the look on her face suggested she had something nasty planned. She was about to warn Roland, when he turned and seeing Gabriellle, took his guns out.
What happened next happened so fast, she didn't know what had hit her. Roland seemed to be frozen on the spot, unable to move, as if some sticky tar were holding him in one position although his face was still mobile and revealed a terror she had never before seen on the man. Mythra was torn...she knew she should try and get away, but she was unwilling to leave her companion there in such a vulnerable position.
She tried to take a step towards him, but found herself also unable to move...well her legs, anyway, and Gabrielle now stood in front of her, teeth gleaming in a twisted cheshire cat grin.
Suddenly, something was shooting towards her and she was surrounded by light of all might have been pretty were it not for the stark reality of the situation,
'Roland!', she screamed as raw magic surged into her body, setting her insides on fire, and causing her the utmost agony. It was as if she was being burnt from the inside out, as she fell heavily to the ground, curled on her side, writhing as shock after shock swept through her and blood began to seep from the side of her mouth.
I am diagnosed as a human being.
He couldn't lose her.
He let Susan die, then Alain, then Cuthbert, then he watched Jake die for the first time, then Eddie and then Jake again.
No more, no longer would he watch as his friends died like pawns.
He was worth a damn and he'd prove it.
But the problem remained - he was trapped in statsis.
He could just barely move his left arm and it caused him terrible pain.
He could see Gabrielle giggling as she slowly killed Mythra.
"This is soo fun much! I'm just going to have to make you suffer longer!"
Mythra was in the fetal position writhing in agony.
"Roland, You know what? Your worthless to your friends! A curse! A harbinger of death!"
Gabrielle was still giggling as she spoke to him.
But all this time he'd been slowly moving his left arm.
After about a minute of this painful exercise he'd raised it enough to fire.
The trigger felt like it was made and of stone and his finger broke as he pulled.
When the bullet first emerged from the gun it was moving at a slow crawl.
But then it hit normal space.
Flying like a redeeming angel it hit Gabrielle right in the back of the head.
She died instantly.
Roland fell to the ground.
He was worth a damn - he wasn't a curse.
How good music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy!
The minutes seemed like hours as onslaught after onslaught of magic hit her. She knew if it carried on much longer, she wouldn't be here to tell the tale...she could feel her organs failing, one by one, overloaded by the negativity contained in the magic...pure malice doing malicous damage. Blood was by now trickling from her nose, ears and mouth until she was almost choking on it..when suddenly, it stopped and there was silence. Was she dead? She remained tightly curled up, too afraid to move, but managed to shift her head slightly to look towards where Roland had been stood... he was on the ground himself, she noted, though he did not appear to be in a bad way from her cursory glance.
She could feel healing beginning within her and wondered how long it would be before she could move? She felt panic welling up in the aftermath as she realised how close she had come to death and her breath began coming in small, noisy gasps as she let her head rest on the ground and simply stared ahead of her.
'Roland', she forced out painfully...quietly.
I am diagnosed as a human being.
Mythra relaxed slightly at the reply, and closed her eyes. She was so very tired, and something felt very odd. Shifting a tiny bit, she felt something solid behind her and shuddered... what was that? She tried to force her head around, but it was too painful and she was too weak. Pushing her hand a little way behind her, she made contact with...a face and screamed. It was a cooling face, indicating it belonged to the woman who had attacked her...the dead Gabrielle. Panting slightly, she tried to move away but once again found none of her muscles willing to respond.
She had a fear of touching the dead...quite the opposite of Roland, ironically. Her teeth started chattering and she squeezed her eyes shut tight and tried to blank her mind. She was uncomfortable and wished the floor were not so hard. She wished she could move, she was thirsty. She wished she could wipe the wet substance off her that seemed to be all over her skin, but she could not. She bit her lip to stop herself crying
'Can you move?', she whispered as loudly as she could, 'I mean... did she get you too?'
Her voice cracked as she finished and she swallowed thickly.
I am diagnosed as a human being.
Mr Oak ran down the corridors of the house. He knew that he needed to make the power within the house his own, although the reasons he had for this were not those that would be immediately thought of as such.
Lord Oak, I have found the Otherworld interface.
"Where are you, Closer?"
The Library, Lord Oak.
Makes a change from dank basements, thought Mr Oak....
"I will be there as soon as I can. Missionary? Red and White?"
A chorus of affirmatives.
"The house will be making further attempts on me and the others. Red and White, help the Gunslinger, Mythra and Wraith. Missionary, to me!"
Another chorus of affirmatives. Mr Oak knew, however, that the end game had not begun. If anything, it was only the first act finishing...
(No longer a mod)
On sabbatical...
He felt like his limbs had been filled with lead.
But there was no time for that.
"I'm getting up - gimme a minute."
Slowly he moved his legs and got to his feet.
He was wobbly and weak - and the disease wasn't making it any better.
But still - he pressed on, his gait was more like that of a corpse then a man.
Finally as got to Mythra he bent down and started dragging her back into the room.
About a foot back into the room Roland couldn't muster enough force to move Mythra anymore.
Slowly he went to his knees and tried to muster some strength.
There was just nothing left to go on.
He'd been cruising on fumes and they'd finally dried up.
Roland fell on his back - still awake but too weak to move.
How good music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy!
Mythra moaned slightly as she felt herself hooked under the armpits and dragged rather inelegantly back into the room they had been in previously. Everything ached and it was a relief when the hands let go. It was all so very quiet and she wondered what had happened to Wraith...and That Mr Oak. They seemed to have simply disappeared during all of this, as if locked outside of some temporal vortex.
Time passed and she heard no sound from Roland. She seemed to have recovered somewhat by now and attempted to move her legs. They felt stiff and shaky, but mobile. Next, she tried to brace her hands on the floor and lift herself into a sitting position. This was too painful and she sank back down. Twisting uncomfortably, she turned herself so she could see where Roland was.
He appeared to be collapsed, his face set like stone, eyes wide open, but nothing moving. The disease...of course, there wasn't much time left. Damn, damn, she thought, what can I do? Is my magic back? Is it possibly that I can make use of what caused me so much harm? Carefully, she slid over to the man and touched him to see if she could get a response. He only shuddered.
'Roland?', she whispered, touching him again.
She sighed, and pulled herself to her knees. It was agony, but she knew she had to do this. He had saved her life on more than one occasion... how many more times though, she wondered, would there be this strange life saving reversal effect? Like following a familiar old path, she closed her eyes and calmed herself, trying to ignore her pain and she pulled forth the magic within was strong, stronger than ever and much easier to pull, she found. She then focussed the entirety of it on healing the disease that afflicted the man and restoring his reserves of energy. She would leave just enough to allow her to heal, but it would be slower than otherwise and would leave her incapacitated for an hour or two at least.
A warm glow surrounded them as the energy transferred and before her eyes, the visible areas of disease healed, and colour returned to Roland's face. Opening her eyes again, she took a deep breath, reached forward to touch him once more then slumped forwards entirely, drained.
I am diagnosed as a human being.
Roland saw Mythra do something to him.
He didn't know what - all he knew was that he was fully-restored and he felt her ever so mildly in his head.
It didn't really brother him.
As he got up, he stopped Mythra from falling over and set her gently on the floor and wiped the brains from her face.
As for Roland, he had something special planned.
Walking over to Gabrielle's corpse he was pleased to see her spirit had yet to vacate the body.
"Time for revenge you old bastard."
Flipping though the book of the dead he picked out the spells he'd need.
In about ten minutes.
He chained Gabrielle's spirit and forced her to stay in the body.
"You'll serve me now, dark monster."
The corpse shambled to it's feet.
"Ah damnit!"
Roland smiled as he listened to her curse.
"Never underestimate a necromancer."
How good music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy!
Mythra felt relieved at the softness beneath her and allowed herself to relax briefly. She could feel the bond between herself and Roland pulsing through her, strengthened by her own actions. Of course, it had come about originally as a result of his killing Gabrielle. Moments later she felt the softness shift as Roland got to his feet and lowered her to the ground. She felt much better once the blood had been cleaned from her face and smiled slightly as she turned her head slightly.
Roland had walked away, but she was not sure where. She was too tired to think on it, and closed her eyes and drifted in and out of consciousness as her magic worked on healing herself. She faintly heard a familiar voice that bought her back to full alert, but relaxed once she saw that it was merely Gabrielle's reanimated corpse, now housing her imprisoned spirit.
She tried to sit up. She felt too vulnerable lying there like that.
'Roland...can I ask you to help me to that wall. I don't want to lie here like this, the fact is the house is still alive and i'd feel safer sitting up'
I am diagnosed as a human being.
"Let's see just how well this chaining worked."
A very wide grin was on Roland's face.
"Gabrielle, why don't you go help Mythra?"
Gabrielle grimaced but slowly she walked towards Mythra.
"That's enough Gabrielle."
She stopped about halfway towards Mythra.
"I f****n' hate you Roland."
"I know Gabrielle, I know."
With that Roland went to help Mythra.
"Feeling better?"
How good music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy!
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