TheAPERSON wrote:
"OK," said Locke. "I'm going to free Terra from that clowns grip."
And with that he ran towards Kefka, knife drawn, to attack him. Unfortunately, Kefka threw Locke aside and knocked him unconsious. Kefka laughed while Locke just lay there.
"Hello big boy." said a female voice.
Kefka turned around, dropping Terra, and was knocked back by a wave from Siren!
Siren vanished, and Selphie re-appeared.
"Gotcha!" she grinned, as Kefka tried to speak, and realised he'd be silenced.
Squall's jaw dropped, and without warning hugged his friend.
"Don't you DARE run off again!" he warned her.
"I won't." she smiled.
Squall sighed. "I'm sorry about before."
"It's okay. We'd better get outta here." Selphie hid behind the ramp, Squall following, ready to watch the show.