Sopho wrote:
Aspie_for_the_Lord wrote:
and high level Maths and Metaphysics both support a supernatural dimension
Please explain.
it is understood that what is seen via the scientific Method is only a partial view of the true reality... is cannot explain everything.
logic dictates that, if it cannot explain everything, then there is more than that which is observes.
there are things we know there should be answers for, but which the Scientific method cannot operate with.
it is believed in metaphysics and high level maths (maths confirm it) that there are other dimensions that we lack the ability to monitor at present that impact our threedimensional universe travelling through the fourth dimension.
the answer to these require us to look outside the framework we use to observe the first four dimensions, but the scientific method only works for the observable... these higher dimensions are beyond our comprehansion and ability to manipulate or percieve outside of mathematics...
its heady stuff, but basically the most intelligant scientists are realising this, and are stumped...
one example of the blockage is the begining of time... the scientific method falls apart when looking before a billionth of a second after the universe was created...
i am that which i am...