everywhere i look, im finding the date 21st December 2012, or at least the year 2012 seems to be important....
remember that i study history alot for fun, and i look into alot of other things...
below are a few links i have noticed -:
the Mayan Civilisation believed the end of this world cycle would occur on 21st December 2012
tracing from the creation on the nation-state of Israel as a begining point of the 'end of days' in scripture, the end date is some time in Dec 2012
various seer's and visionaries throughout history have claimed that things will change around the year 2012, like Edgar Cayce, Nostrodamus, Michail Gorden etc ...
a number of social and cultural experts believe things will come to a head in the middle east conflict in 2012
The date December 21st 2012, represents an extremely close conjunction of the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the Galactic Equator (Equator of the Milky Way) and the Ecliptic
(path of the Sun).
and now, i check the news and what do i find?
'Five Years Left To Save The Planet'
Our planet is just five years away from climate change catastrophe - but can still be saved, according to a new report.
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) warns governments have until 2012 to "plant the seeds of change" and make positive moves to limit carbon emissions.
If they fail to do so, the WWF's Vision For 2050 warns "generations to come will have to live with the compromises and hardships caused by their inability to act".
"We have a small window of time in which we can plant the seeds of change, and that is the next five years," James Leape, from the WWF, said.
"We cannot afford to waste them. This is not something that governments can put off until the future."
Between now and 2050, the world's energy needs are expected to double.
But the Climate Solutions document says technologies already available could be harnessed to produce enough sustainable energy to power the planet while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 60-80%.
The WWF report also states that nuclear power is not necessary to cut carbon emissions.
The finding is in stark contrast to the UK Government's insistence upon the need to go nuclear.
Keith Allott, head of WWF-UK's climate change programmes, said: "This report shows that although the scale of the climate change challenge can seem daunting, it can be tackled provided we act with real urgency.
"We can slash carbon emissions and meet global energy demand without resorting to the red herring of nuclear power.
"The big question is whether the world's statesmen will have the strength and vision to make this happen - and Britain will be key to that."
i am that which i am...