Sopho wrote:
Aspie_for_the_Lord wrote:
Sopho wrote:
Aspie_for_the_Lord wrote:
believing in God doesnt make you mentally ill....
How is it any different than the hallucinations/delusions of a schizophrenic?
a belief in God can cause positive events, and has been proven to be a biological advantage...
spiritual people live longer, and are happier, and do more... on average compared to those who dont believe in any faith
Doesn't mean it's right though. Left handed people live longer than right handed people.
And do more? Like what? Sit in a church praying? Covering up paedophilia in the Vatican?
Again, you don't have to be religious to be spiritual. They are happier because they are in denial.
i dont spend my time sitting in church praying, or covering up Paedophillia in the Vatican....
i do what my faith tells me to do, to the best of my ability... i help the poor and the homeless, i befriend the unwanted and outcast, and i speak out for those who have no voices...
at the end of the day, all i know is that i have found somthing, and it has changed my life for the better, and changed me for the better too...
ok there are alot of people out there who dont follow the faith as it tells us to, but how many Athiests cook up evidence and abuse the name of the scientific method?
there are sheisters everywhere... what matters is what you do with the time allotted to you.
i have chosen to uphold what i see as truth, and even if what i believe is false - if what i believe is wrong and all i do is meaningless, then i would rather follow the higher path showed in its fiction....
i am that which i am...