Granted. Once upon a time, you were taking a lovely walk through an enchanted forest. There, you meet a strange, old woman. She looks a bit dodgy, but you aren't one to judge a book by its cover. So the two of you get to talking, and she offers you a nice, red, juicy apple. Now you know it's a bit odd to be offered this from someone you've just met, but you were taught never to take candy from a stranger. Fruit, you figure, is perfectly fine – and healthy. Or so you thought. One bite of the apple and you fall into a long nap that lasts for many years.
Eventually, Prince Charming finds you in the woods and kisses you, waking you from your long slumber. But instead of falling in love with you, he is horrified to see that this beautiful corpse he found lying in the middle of a forest has, in fact, turned out to be alive. Disgusted, the necrophilic prince leaves you in the woods, forever diminishing your respect for men and romance – and apples.
Hmm ... I wish I had something better to do in my weekend than to write a hack-job parody of a children's story.
It is easy to go down into Hell;
Night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide;
But to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air –
There's the rub, the task.
– Virgil, The Aeneid (Book VI)