Chitheria Tempus RP
may I join? Here is what i have for a character so far
Name: (Is there pattern I should follow? because I am unsure I will not name yet)
Gender: female
Race: human
Age: 17
Facial Structure: Round face with high cheek bones. rounded nose, full lips.
Hair Style*: short and uncombed
Hair Color*: dark brown
Skin Color: medium brown
Eye Color: hazel
Height: 4'8
Weight: 100 lb
Region**: (unsure)
(what do you need to do to be a battle-mage and have Celestial Magic)
Last edited by EtherealBallet on 01 Dec 2012, 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Name: Olin
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Age: 27
Facial Structure: Highly blocky and rectangular
Hair Style: Never properly groomed, beard not as full as dwarfs with more dwarvish upbringings (on account of being around humans for majority of working life)
Hair Color: Orange like incandescent iron
Skin Color: Fair complexion, tanned (and sometimes burnt) from wanderings
Eye Color: Austenitic carbon steel gray
Height: 3'9"
Weight: 95
Region: Resident of a Telsiam village, now wandering in search of more fulfilling work than fish dissection
Background: At the age of 6, Olin somehow left Dornakun, which he survived due to the fortunate presence of some (relatively) kind travelers, who brought him to a village in Telsiam. Ten difficult years later, Olin managed to become the apprentice of a legendary human fish dissector, which was an excellent job at which he excelled. This achievement was not appreciated by other dwarfs, as it seemed to be not only a betrayal of the working spirit of the most, "dwarven," state, but also of the proud tradition of working with stone and metal. Following his apprenticeship's conclusion, Olin began to wander the countryside and wilderness in search of a workshop (and more fulfilling work). During that time, his survival skills have increased considerably, and it could be said that he is proficient at throwing objects and competent at sneaking, although his skill in weapon combat is somewhat questionable, as is his intelligence in general. In recent years, he has taken some interest in metalworking, but it seemsthat he is unable to find apprenticeship possibly due to age or possibly due to being a dwarf perceived as a traitor. The trauma of leaving his home still has some visible effects, and he will often lash out in fury or pause and stare when stressed (use a Will roll?). In such a state, he has often yelled out something about a guild, which no one seems to understand. His only possesions are a dwarf-made slag wool blanket he uses as a Bindle Stick (trope!) and a fine copper flask.

Joined: 31 Jan 2012
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Posts: 900
Location: Somewhere in the USA...which doesn't really help.
Cool guy, but there's a retcon:
Galunsrak, instead of sending dwarfs and elves away, interrogate them and then do this:Strip them of all weapons and equipment, blind them, and chop the hands off. They then are sent out into the wilderness.
Also, what race do you think would be the funnest to draw?
Respond please, I love comments.