Fantasy Lands-Gandesha-Let's Roleplay!
It was ten minutes before the pain finally began to recede to a tolerable level and taking a deep breath, Myrrhdyn carefully rose to her feet and rubbed at her eyes which now stung from holding them tightly closed. The dark had fully drawn in now, like a shrowd across the land, and a chill had set into the air. Pulling her robes closer against herself, she looked behind her, scanning the distant trees, before continuing on her way into the city. There was someone she had to meet, and this individual, although generally reasonably mannered, did not take kindly to tardiness of any kind.
I am diagnosed as a human being.
A small, dark shape huddled against the wall of a building. It was a small girl about the age of twelve. Her sharp, green eyes searched the ground from beneath dark bangs. Cascades of raven-black hair ran down her small back and spilled onto the dirt.
She didn't seen to mind that she was sitting where she might get dirty-although her black dress looked expensive. She just sat there, her calculating eyes darting from the ground to the full moon.
"It's time..." she spoke softly, her voice still childlike. A few black shapes flitted around her as she stood up-bats. She didn't bother to shake the dust out of her hair-it just seemed to slide off.
"But Garnet!" a bat protested. "Last time you drained so many pe-" Garnet grabbed him with her bare hands and held him still.
"Do you want me to drain you?"
The bat shook his head, terrified. She let him go.
"Then don't oppose me." She gave him a sidelong evil glare.
"Y-yes, Master." The bat said, shaking.
With a swift nod, Garnet glided up into the night.
I want a snowday.
((since Quatermass was the only one who could have responded or interacted with my character so far aside from Mage and someone else I can't really do much. In the future when someone makes a bit of a complex intro much like you did it would be more appropriate to at least try to do something more than a one-liner. I knew Marie made her presence known, projected an emotion and said something so I was hoping that there would be some direct interaction that I could build off of.))
Oh poo, can't get images to work~

Joined: 6 Sep 2006
Age: 136
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Posts: 11,911
Location: Mount Herculaneum/England
The moon cast an enchanting light on the streams, as Sindri stalked through the night, towards Grosling Manor, in search of something much more than a mere trinket, and no-one was going to stand in his way.
The massive hedge was a pathetic barrier.
Sindri pulled a small bottle of grade 3 plant poison out of his sturdy bag, and splashed it onto the hedge in front of him. The hedge began to turn black, and started shrivelling towards the ground. The hard branches rotted away, and within one minute, all that remained of the hedge was a pile of black leaves and goo. Sindri walked straight through where the hedge used to stand tall. The mansion was about 40 metres away from that point, and the 19 year old Black Mage crept silently towards the back door...
Sindri had now reached the only apparent back door of the manor. He gave it a nudge, and it felt soft, but it did not move.
He pulled a bewitched skeleton key out of his pocket, and attempted to unlock the door. Upon one twist, the door was unlocked, and Sindri proceeded through the house, with an air of deadly silence. It was quiet, as expected, and the mage crept along, opening and closing doors in his path. The particular artifact Sindri was after laid somewhere in the house's cellar. He tread carefully through the large hallway, past grand paintings of artists long dead, and found the cellar door, a well-polished brown colour, which was, yet again, locked. One flip of the key, and the door was free, exposing an inpenetrable darkness.
Sindri cast a flame spell with his left hand, and kept it burning to light the way. He lit the candles along the staircase, and reached the bottom of the stairs. He could have used a crystal torch, but he needed his hands free.
The Black Mage drew his sword after lighting the first chamber, a wine and food cellar. Beyond that was what he had come for, sealed off by a magic stone door...
Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!
"Oh hells, did I drink too much....?"
"Don't you remember? You don't drink alcohol, Quatermass. Not since the unfortunate incident involving..."
"Alright, alright. I need a doctor, but I know he wouldn't show up in a dimension like this..."
Internal dialogue now out of the way, Quatermass pulled out a little black book. It was so black, that it's cover was not too dissimilar in appearance to a rectangular black hole.
"Hmm, what healers do I know here?"
Long pause...
"Hmm, Myrrhdyn, eh? Well, hopefully she can help. Here's the address..."
(No longer a mod)
On sabbatical...
Myrrhdyn carried on down the hill, holding up her robes as she went. She had learnt from bitter experience that his was always the wisest thing to do. She was relieved at the lights from the city below for without, the surrounding areas would be totally swathed in blackness. Although she loved the dark, it also made her nervous and bought back memories she found she would rather not revisit.
Finally reaching scrimscouer lane on the very outer, Easterly edge of the city, she let go of her robe and briskly rubbed her hands together... it was getting very cold, and she knew that cold was not always a mere sign of detrimental weather conditions. She only hoped that this time it was, for she was now substantially drained from the headache that still plagued her, albeit in a mild and nagging sense of the word.
Stopping for a moment, she lifted her face to the stars and pressed her hands to the sides of her head, as if trying to remember something important; however, she was merely using her sensing abilities to detect any anomalous energies in the vicinity, or even any familiar energies. Eyebrows furrowing, she twitched her nose slightly, as if a familiar scent had reached her slightly flaring nostrils. There was indeed a very familiar energy, and it bought a faint smile to her lips. It was rare she came across an energy belonging to someone she trusted, but when she did, she always felt a strange sense of relief wash over her.
'It seems something must be forthcoming as I predicted. It is not an everyday occurence that he turns up in Gandesha', she murmered to herself, brushing a stray strand of fine hair back from her face. The wind seemed to be whipping up from nowhere, and she swiftly moved onwards, her robes now billowing out slightly behind her. As she reached the end of the land adjoining Mickledom road, she heard a sharp swish and stopped dead, braced for trouble.
I am diagnosed as a human being.
Quatermass fell to the ground outside Myrrhdyn's clinic, and picked himself off the ground. It rarely happened, but during the occasional time-slash, his sense of time and space were about as muddled as a Babelfish translation, although he didn't know whether they knew about anything to do with Babel here. It meant that the last disintegration had caused him a little brain damage, causing him to blast through a roof when he could easily have taken stairs, or flipped out of a window and landed on the roof (not so difficult when you change space as much as Quatermass has). And what was he thinking, doing a time-slash on a spinning fairground ride. There were witnesses, causality might be damaged, and he ended up with nausea....
It had been some years since Quatermass last saw Myrrhdyn, and she had shown herself to be adept at healing those parts of the brain that helped him calculate how to breach dimensions without ending up in the vacuum of space, or the Void between dimensions...
He pulled out a book out of pockets that were dimensionally transcendental, and leaned against a wall, ready to read Hogfather while he waited....
(No longer a mod)
On sabbatical...
Merithae has caught up with Myrrhdyn, but he's cloaked, not revealing himself, waiting to see what happens. He was now well aware of the evil that Cow Panther has sensed earlier. Merithae's cat, Cow Kitty (not the same as the Cow Kitty you see in my avatar, but similar in appearance), shimmers onto the scene. Ever since Cow Kitty met Cow Panther she has remembered her own magical powers, and now shimmers into the most inconvenient moments. She runs over to Myrrhdyn, jumps up on her knee and coaxes Myrrhdyn to pet her. Then she senses her master (actually her primary slave), and runs over to Merithae, who to Myrrhdyyn is invisible and undetectable, jumps on his knee. To Myrrhdyn it looks like she's standing up and leaning. Merithae picks up Cow Kitty, who meows in displeasure (cats never really like being picked up), holds her in his arms and proceeds to pet her. Knowing that a levitating cat has probably given away his rouse Merithae uncloaks himself. After he is done petting Cow Kitty he shimmers away with her to bring her back home and shimmers back. Merithae projects a single thought to Myrrhdyn, "Quiet, something's coming."
Quatermass became uneasy. As uninformed of the habits of the lives of those in Gandesha he was, and in Myrrhdyn's in particular, he somehow knew there was something wrong.
He remembered seeing Merithae earlier. Sensing the energy of living beings was one thing, but Quatermass could sense space and time being monkeyed around with, to create what was supposed to be invisibility. But just as you could see an invisible man by his footprints, Quatermass could feel the warping.....
....TWO warpings???
He could tell one was Merithae. He'd felt the High Dragun's cloaking signature long enough to know, but the other....
There was someone else. Not warping space-time to become invisible, but still warping and changing it. But was it for a purpose, or was it just because of presence and power?
Quatermass shuddered. He didn't always see eye-to-eye with the High Dragun, but he mentally wished him luck. Whatever that being was, it seemed dangerous...
He went on reading Hogfather.....
(No longer a mod)
On sabbatical...
Myrrhdyn scanned the areas around her, body poised in readiness for any threats, although she knew that she would not be very efficient at physically defending herself...she had always relied on more subtle, but no less efficient means. Her robes seemed to glimmer in the moonlight as her eyes darted from side to side, before coming to settle on a strange looking cat that had apparently appeared from nowhere. Suspiciously, she took a step back, but the creature lifted its paws to her knees and she felt oddly impelled to stroke the was a battle of wills, but finally she managed to pull back her hand, which now tingled in a most disconcerting manner.
No sooner had she lifted her hand to study it, the cat had disappeared only to be replaced by Merithae...someone she usually stayed well clear of, having heard much of his reputation. She had had little contact with him, not because she feared his abilities so much as his lack of integrity under certain circumstances. Keeping her gaze slightly to the left of him, avoiding his eyes, she remained unflinching and unreactive as the message simmered its way into her thoughts. She had not sensed anything that was a danger to herself, although there was some strangeness in the atmosphere, and simply empathically replied, 'It concerns me not, Merithae. I sense nothing of danger to myself or to anyone who has not come to deserve such danger'.
Swiftly, she stepped round him and moved quickly onwards into the shadows, trying to ignore the rapid beat of her heart as she passed a few boarded up shops and a smattering of broken glass.
I am diagnosed as a human being.
Suddenly, an oversized ogre-mage appeared and attacked Myrrhdyn with a firebolt. Merithae intercepted the firebolt and dissipated it. It slung a second firebolt hitting Merithae on the chest and knocking him back several yards. Merithae got up and released a beam of light which caused the ogre's skin to erupt in flames from contact with the light and leaped at the ogre, spinning around and slinging shards of ice at the monster. As he got within range he unsheathed two katanas and swung them both in succession, severely injuring the evil thing. The ogre returned the assult, swinging a large axe, knocking Merithae back. When the ogre swung again Merithae leaped up dodging withered axe, fell down and plunged the through the top of the ogre's head. Merithae then lept away carrying the blade that dealt the fatal blow. The ogre burst into flames and ashes, which sublimated, leaving only a crater that the ogre left on impact. After seeing that his foe had been eliminated, Merithae passed out from his injuries. Cow Kitty, sensing her master (/best slave), in injured and in danger shimmered to him. Cow Kitty, while only a magical house cat, can do a relatively good job of keeping her master from danger. Cow Kitty is able to heal Merithae's immediately fatal wounds with her magic, but now all she can do is guard her master. Cow Kitty projects an image of the situation to Cow Panther.
Cow Panther senses the projected image but she has bigger concerns. Heading their way is a strange evil that no warrior in the entirety of Celcia has encountered. Cow Panther's combat ability was at the level of a Dragun, so she would be strong enough to deal with any foe for quite some time. Anyone in the path of that girl may not be so fortunate.
"Damn, that thing felled Merithae? He's still kicking, so to speak, but that must've been one helluva creature..."
Quatermass could feel the weakening of Merithae's field, and knew a possible reason, but he knew the High Dragun could handle himself. Regeneration, a science that took the Time Lords of Gallifrey several generations to master, were second nature. Even disintegration usually only caused major aches all over after reintegration. The other signature had....disappeared. Whether this was due to death, disintegration, defeat, or mere dislocation in temporal space was hard to tell. That signature wasn't familiar, and that concerned Quatermass, whose experience spanned many worlds, and many years.
(No longer a mod)
On sabbatical...