ShadesOfMe wrote:
calandale wrote:
ShadesOfMe wrote:
calandale wrote:
One-Winged-Angel wrote:
*Eets calandale's faice*
Hmm...face, or feces?
Seems I still have a face, so
I presume you meant the latter.
Faice, obviously. Can you not spell?
Apparently not. I should have known to stay out
of the children's section.
Was that supossed to be an insult??? or do you honestly think you look cool by resorting to calling other people children, when it is you yourself who is acting like a child? Case in point:
calandale wrote:
ShadesOfMe wrote:
I want to be a super hott gay dude with an uberly ssuper hott boyfriend, or an elephant.
What would a super hot gay dude be doing with an elephant?
Strikes me that there's a difference between
being incapable of communicating, and
deliberately finding the ambiguities in
someones sentences. But, we all play.
I had actually assumed that you must be
pre-teen, to have found what
you did as humorous. I'm sorry if you are
not, and were somehow offended.