javier wrote:
Two slices of white bread one with jam and the other with honey and poppy seeds.
I never heard of that one; you mean you can eat them just like that, no baking ? What am i waiting for.. i love poppy seed cake, german style , and recently bought a packet of seeds to bake in a cake, but not eating wheat again so haven't,... but on something on rice-cakes, etc, or in fruit mush etc? mmmm!
Today eaten,... mmm,.... one tiny black espresso at a café, one banana, 4 or 5 rice-cakes with mushroom yeast-paté, red grape juice, carrot juice, a whole packet of pistachios, felt sick, chewed an old gum to produce more enzymes to digest nuts, 2 pieces of chocolate, more grape juice , with apple juice and water, warm.
o yes and an inch of marzipan bar!!