LabPet wrote:
For Woodsman25 - Under an assumption of constant gravity, Newton’s law of gravitation simplifies to F = mg, where m is the mass of the body and g is a constant vector with an average magnitude of 9.81 m/s². The acceleration due to gravity is equal to this g. An initially-stationary object which is allowed to fall freely under gravity drops a distance which is proportional to the square of the elapsed time. The image on the right, spanning half a second, was captured with a stroboscopic flash at 20 flashes per second. During the first 1/20th of a second the ball drops one unit of distance (here, a unit is about 12 mm); by 2/20ths it has dropped at total of 4 units; by 3/20ths, 9 units and so on.
It should be kept in mind, of course, that the numbers given are applicable on Earth, with its gravitational field of 1 gravity (1g). The numbers would be different on Mars (1/3g), the Moon (1/6g), or Jupiter (approximately 4-6g, depending on how you define its "surface"), for a few examples. The equations, obviously, still work.