Your result for Defective Human Recall Examination ...
Minor psychological defects, do not recall.
39% Psychological_Defect_Quotient, 11% Physical_Defect_Quotient and 31% Intellectual_Defect_Quotient!
Well, you're crazy, but then again that's what you just said, isn't it? Taking a test to see if you ought to be recalled and replaced with a nasty squirmy little baby seems a bit nutscrazy, but you're not more than just a bit. you're just not quite bad enough to be considered defective. See, the thing is, there are lots of basically crappy, second rate human beings out there, and most of them deserve a recall a little more than you do.
If you feel like this conclusion has been made in error, please consider downing a bottle of asprin, slashing your wrists, and using the blood to write bad, emo poetry as you bleed out.