Kiprobalhato wrote:
i always play as the girl in games when i have a choice.
I was really excited when I saw the first female character in Crystal. It was something entirely new. When I traded Pokemon between Silver and Crystal and she entered the Union Room, she'd twirl around and be made to look like the male character in Gold/Silver, and an exclamation mark would appear over her head, as if she was indignant. That made me laugh the first times I saw it.
I forgot to mention in this thread what arrived in the mail yesterday; Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon!
I haven't come all that far but it has been pretty funny already. As always it starts with my character having no memory. A Nuzleaf brought my character to Serene Village, where the apparent young Pokemon is enrolled in school. Yes, Pokemon have schools apparently. My partner is a mischief maker whose adventures and remarks have already had me ROFLing. At one point for instance the two Pokemon are trying to sneak in to a mine, and 3 Drilbur are trying to stop them. Right infront of them my partner says that it's not a problem, we'll just sneak in. The Drilbur points out that they just said so right in front of them, and my partner says that we'll just create a diversion.
It's pretty different so far from the usual start, and I really like it.