petrol = gasoline, which gets shortened to gas...geez
Oh, I
totally didn't know that!
Gee, if you guys only spoke
misunderstandings like that wouldn't happen
Wow, thanks for those lovely words!
I probably would've been too if I had the opportunity.
Granted, you now love turtles as much as Skilpadde does, and you do a great job helping their survival. Sometimes you realize this wasn't what you set out to do, and wonder about how you chose away what you thought would be your occupation. But you are happier than you ever was knowing that you have contributed to several species' survival and helped make a real difference. When you look at the innocent gentle turtles, you know you made the right choice. It's a hard life with lots of losses, but the rewards are nothing less than magical.
I wish I could make a real difference for turtles