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Yensid Veteran
Joined: 18 Mar 2008Gender: MalePosts: 5,253Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
Often wonders if jello is a solid or a liquid.
TallyMan Veteran
Joined: 30 Mar 2008Gender: MalePosts: 40,061
Got stuck in mud considering the same question.
i_wanna_blue Veteran
Joined: 9 Aug 2008Gender: MalePosts: 11,113
Wishes he could find a female mud wrestler waiting for him during his early morning mud bath.
Opened a shop selling mud pies.
Booyakasha Veteran
Joined: 6 Oct 2009Gender: FemalePosts: 13,898
Opened up a factory where he employs only mud made mudmen.
Squirts everyone with liquid mud!
Thinks that squirting mud is an academic discipline.
Has a degree is mudology and is the world's leading expert in removing mud from shirt collars.
ProfessorX Veteran
Joined: 8 Feb 2007Age: 51Gender: MalePosts: 16,795
likes to invent toy trains that can do many things around the household...
Teaches mudology to aspiring students.
Is really the Creature from the Black Lagoon.
jennyishere Veteran
Joined: 9 Jan 2009Age: 63Gender: FemalePosts: 9,717Location: Australia
Finds the Creature from the Black Lagoon strangely attractive.
Has been trying to alter the affects of chronology(aging) whereby, she tries to hide any gray hair whatsover..
Organizes snail races on the weekends.
Was suspended from snail racing for trying to substitute a slug.
Likes to slug it out in the ring and is tipped as being the next World Boxing champion.