Fantasy Lands-Gandesha-Let's Roleplay!
Once at the stream, able to relax Marie was able to have her mind catch up a bit and piece the thoughts together. Such a power laid within her, the one that kept her alive all this time, and now she was free but it still stayed in place. Was it as really bad as it seemed? It was apparent to her that this artifact had some sentience to it, maybe even a consciousness that felt a need to nurture her.
"You said that the artifact may harm me if we try to remove it..." Marie murmured once again, though she could be heard this time. She leaned back against a tree and paused, taking in a bit of a yawn. The sound of rustling leaves brushing against one another and a flowing mass of water seemed to work with one another to leave her feeling calm and sleepy but made thinking much easier "So if the artifact can hurt me, possibly cause an after-affect in my mind, why not leave it where it is?"
Oh poo, can't get images to work~
She sighed and raked a hand through her hair, closing her eyes briefly. Garnet would want an explanation as to why she wanted to help; she was sure of it. The girl was probably wary. She had a reason to be.
"Look. I've seen a lot in the past few years, ok? I know what this world can do to ki-- anyone. I hate it. It's not right. And I don't want to find out that some idiot with a chip on his shoulder killed you, all right? I just want to help." She paused again. How much was too much? It had become the question of her life lately. "I can't really tell, since the tree is dark and all, but you kind of remind me of my little sister. She was normal, but she got hurt just the same." Too much. Blast. She would never figure this side-stepping thing out. "Whatever, that's not the point. The point is, I don't want you to get hurt. offer still stands. I can help you, if you want."
Garnet thought. She'd never talked with a mortal this much before-they all thought of her as evil. This girl did not. She wondered why, and brief suspicion rose in her as she remembered to be wary of vampire-slayers and such. Still, she was powerfull from being on her own for almost a year. Strong. She could overpower this girl if she were to trick her.
"Yes," said Garnet. "I'll come with you. So will Nantadha and Foijin, if you don't mind." She nodded towards the two sleeping bats.
I want a snowday.
She smiled, relieved. "Sure. You'll have to deal with my dog, Imershia," Nyx answered. She gestured to the big white mongrel who lounged beside her, content now that all the tension had past. "Don't worry. She doesn't attack - well, not unless I tell her to." She looked at the sleeping bats. "Do you want to go now, or wait until they wake up? My apartment isn't too far."
"Nothing worth having is easy."
Three years!
"Ow." said Quatermass, rubbing his head. "Whose trying to hit my mind with a sledgehammer? First concussion, now the mental equivalent of steamrollering..."
((I'll leave it up to Graewlyn to decide whether she wants to acknowledge AlexandertheSolitary's attempt...))
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On sabbatical...

Joined: 6 Sep 2006
Age: 136
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"You said that the artifact may harm me if we try to remove it..." Marie murmured once again, though she could be heard this time. She leaned back against a tree and paused, taking in a bit of a yawn. The sound of rustling leaves brushing against one another and a flowing mass of water seemed to work with one another to leave her feeling calm and sleepy but made thinking much easier "So if the artifact can hurt me, possibly cause an after-affect in my mind, why not leave it where it is?"
"Because it's not just me who's after it," Sindri finished the cookies.
There was a rustling and crackling noise in the bushes. He drew Bloodbane, swung it, and hacked at the bush where the noise came from. Three dark, cloaked figures came running from the sides of the bush, and lunged, swords held high, at Sindri. Another two came out of the bushes across the river with longbows, pointing them at Marie and Irial.
Sindri pushed the three attackers from the bush five metres back using his mind, which seemingly knocked them out, but turned to see that the bowmen had clear shots. He hesitated for a moment, thinking of how to stop the enemies before they released the arrows, which would be hard to stop or divert without risking getting hit himself.
There was the sound of a steam engine in the sky. An airship, that must have been the plan, to take them as prisoners.
"Drop the sword or we'll kill them" The Bowmen ordered to Sindri, who had Bloodbane in his left hand, and his right free.
In a blue flash, the bows froze, and the men dropped them like hot metal. Sindri charged the enemies, and severely cut the first one, on the right, and smashed the second one in the face with the sword's handle.
"Tell me, what did you hope to achieve?" Sindri growled at the attacker.
Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!
"Oh my!" Marie's ears perked as she brought her hands to her mouth trembling. Such a violent scene unfolded before her and an arrow flew her way whizzing by her hear. Her eyes spun and she backed away a bit, feeling the scene become both hectic and chaotic. In moments though Sindri had these archers incapacitated, maybe even kill them. It was then that she raised her head, seeing an airship up ahead.
"All this over an artifa-" before she could finish her sentence she found her voice muffled. A gloved hand clamped over her mouth and she found herself lifted off the ground, struggling to get herself free. This person who held her hostage was unlike the rest, it seemed. He was both cloaked and having a dark, forboding presence. He glared outwards at Sindri, silence and not speaking. This villainous person possibly saw no need to justify his presence, make threats or attack. He had his target in hand and soon he plunged himself back into the dark and almost seeming to disappear. However, with the airship in sight and the guy just leaving he could still probably be caught if action was taken immediatly.
Oh poo, can't get images to work~

Joined: 22 Aug 2006
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Posts: 913
Location: Looking for the ubermensch
Irial looked around, mildly stunned.
Muirachearteach was right, apparently. Battle did go quickly.
Everything seemed to be under control. Sindri seemed to have the bowmen incapacitated, the food hadn't managed to be spilled all over the ground, Marie was being dragged away by a man in a hood...
Marie was being dragged away by a man in a hood?
Irial quickly sprang to action, trying to save her friend from being captured and possibly killed. She dropped to the ground, and crawled to where the hooded man was dragging Marie. Irial popped up, stabbing the hooded man non-fatally((Just in case someone needs an enemy again )) in the ankle. The hooded man fell over and Sindri came over to survey him. She prayed that would do the job, however, he had already attached Marie to some sort of harness, pulling her up to the airship.
Irial looked up, and before she knew it, she was attached to a harness, too, being pulled up to the airship. She looked around, and with a sudden desperate adrenaline rush, she reached out with her sword and cut the ropes pulling Marie and herself to the airship. They landed in the tops of two separate trees, and the airship, believing to have gotten their cargo, flew away quickly.
I'm like an opening band for the sun.
-Pearl Jam
Apathy is not a vice, it is a relieving and downright enjoyable life-choice.
"Ow." said Quatermass, rubbing his head. "Whose trying to hit my mind with a sledgehammer? First concussion, now the mental equivalent of steamrollering..."
((I'll leave it up to Graewlyn to decide whether she wants to acknowledge AlexandertheSolitary's attempt...))
"Well I did try speaking orally but you were not responding," retorted Alaric in his best attempt at a reasonable voice. "Ah! I see where I may have gone wrong! All that is necessary..." He trailed off, realising that he was out of phase. That explained it. He made the necessary spatio-temporal adjustments and explained everything again, trying to bring home the urgency of the situation to Myrrhdyn and Quatermass. He was now quite exhausted, being only seven minutes into his fifth regeneration, his previous life having been very traumatic. Things were not going according to plan.
He eagerly awaited their responses, as he was short on ideas and Aaron's folly had exaccerbated the ongoing problem of the potential imminent demise of Gandesha (and ultimately all of existence) no end. As he was waiting the scroll he had been holding crumbled into what looked like ash, but started to swirl in a vortex-like pattern, fracturing the space around its nucleus and opening another portal linked to the void. What emerged was rather more formiddable than ogres (though smaller).
Alaric was weakening apace as his energy was drained into the void. In desperation he called upon his last reserves of strengths and banished the void window to the Plain of Granite, specifically a part quite close to the Adamantine Mountain. This then consumed the current vessel used by his shadow-self, but unfortunately as a side effect the energy released with its passage into the void sent shockwaves through all the worlds creating weird effects in space and time and further accelerating the entropy of Gandesha. Instinctively realising the consequences of his action, he abruptly left to seek Irial, or was it to help Dibble? He shook his head, wondering at the strange names that were circling in it. Then the sun became as black as sackcloth. The moon, which happened to be in the sky at the time turned red as blood.
"I have had better days," moaned the weary Shaft'ur brother.
You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."
"Ow." said Quatermass, rubbing his head. "Whose trying to hit my mind with a sledgehammer? First concussion, now the mental equivalent of steamrollering..."
((I'll leave it up to Graewlyn to decide whether she wants to acknowledge AlexandertheSolitary's attempt...))
"Well I did try speaking orally but you were not responding," retorted Alaric in his best attempt at a reasonable voice. "Ah! I see where I may have gone wrong! All that is necessary..." He trailed off, realising that he was out of phase. That explained it. He made the necessary spatio-temporal adjustments and explained everything again, trying to bring home the urgency of the situation to Myrrhdyn and Quatermass. He was now quite exhausted, being only seven minutes into his fifth regeneration, his previous life having been very traumatic. Things were not going according to plan.
He eagerly awaited their responses, as he was short on ideas and Aaron's folly had exaccerbated the ongoing problem of the potential imminent demise of Gandesha (and ultimately all of existence) no end. As he was waiting the scroll he had been holding crumbled into what looked like ash, but started to swirl in a vortex-like pattern, fracturing the space around its nucleus and opening another portal linked to the void. What emerged was rather more formiddable than ogres (though smaller).
Alaric was weakening apace as his energy was drained into the void. In desperation he called upon his last reserves of strengths and banished the void window to the Plain of Granite, specifically a part quite close to the Adamantine Mountain. This then consumed the current vessel used by his shadow-self, but unfortunately as a side effect the energy released with its passage into the void sent shockwaves through all the worlds creating weird effects in space and time and further accelerating the entropy of Gandesha. Instinctively realising the consequences of his action, he abruptly left to seek Irial, or was it to help Dibble? He shook his head, wondering at the strange names that were circling in it. Then the sun became as black as sackcloth. The moon, which happened to be in the sky at the time turned red as blood.
"I have had better days," moaned the weary Shaft'ur brother.
"Wait, did you feel that?" Quatermass asked Myrrhdyn. "Last time I felt this was when someone jumped a time track..."
(No longer a mod)
On sabbatical...
Muirachearteach was right, apparently. Battle did go quickly.
Everything seemed to be under control. Sindri seemed to have the bowmen incapacitated, the food hadn't managed to be spilled all over the ground, Marie was being dragged away by a man in a hood...
Marie was being dragged away by a man in a hood?
Irial quickly sprang to action, trying to save her friend from being captured and possibly killed. She dropped to the ground, and crawled to where the hooded man was dragging Marie. Irial popped up, stabbing the hooded man non-fatally((Just in case someone needs an enemy again

Irial looked up, and before she knew it, she was attached to a harness, too, being pulled up to the airship. She looked around, and with a sudden desperate adrenaline rush, she reached out with her sword and cut the ropes pulling Marie and herself to the airship. They landed in the tops of two separate trees, and the airship, believing to have gotten their cargo, flew away quickly.
Marie found herself harnessed and lifted into the air only to be plunging once again. It was now apparent what Sindri had to worry about. These people seemed to come from nowhere over the mystical object within and she soon found herself plunging back down. Irial had severed the ties that was causing them to ascend into the ship and soon she went falling down into a branch.
"Nya!" she wailed a bit, hearing the branch snap against her body. She fell downwards and soon fell on her back. Her body was so sore and bruised now and she felt that this just wasn't her day.
"Irial~!" she called out, lifting her body slowly. Her backfur bristled a bit and she got to her feet, looking around "Irial! Where are you?"
She called out again and looked through the woods, seeming alone. She cupped her hands around her mouth and soon called out "Irial! Sindri!"
Oh poo, can't get images to work~
"Good." Garnet looked out into the sunlight. "But how do I go out there?"
I want a snowday.
Nyx hadn't thought of that. The day was almost cloudless - there would be no likely break for hours. Doubtfully, she looked around: trees, grass, flowers, and the occasional park bench. Nothing useful. However, she was wearing a trench coat...
She slipped the coat off and held it out. It was leather and finely crafted; Nyx had spared no expense on it. There was no hood on it, but it brushed the ground when she walked, so she assumed it would cover Garnet with room to spare. If she kept it above her head, it should block out the sun.
"Well..." she hesitated. "I suppose I could give you my coat and you could hold it over yourself. I think you're small enough to fit under it. If not, I could go get an umbrella or something."
"Nothing worth having is easy."
Three years!
But then the sun darkened and sunlight was not such an issue for vampyres and half-vampyres. Alaric pulled himself together and decided to return to Myrrhdyn and Quatermass, believing them to be more experienced in this world. He was feelingly increasingly out of his depth here, something that had seldom occurred in his long life.
You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."
((Can we wait until Graewlyn, aka Myrrhdyn makes a reply to my post?))
(No longer a mod)
On sabbatical...
((Can we wait until Graewlyn, aka Myrrhdyn makes a reply to my post?))
Of course. It does not have to be sequential, given the separation in physical distance involved time may be going back and forth a little; witness the bright sun problem for Garnet and Nyx after the sun had been blotted out. Presumably some of your responses in your posts are chronologically separated a little (Alaric was out of phase for a bit). You can have as much time as you want. The distance travelled by Alaric before things turned kind of Apocalyptic was not specified by me anyway. He is to depleted to do anymore rapid movements in space, time or between worlds at the moment. I thought Garnet needed some help (probably a msitake).
Alaric could barely summon the strength to turn around. He kept walking for some miles through dense woodland. He hoped he would encounter Sindri or that Dragun whose presence in this world had been so noticeable. He could not get back to Quatermass and Myrrhdyn any time soon. And who was Irial? Or Dibble or whatever the name was for that matter...
Another, darker word entered his mind unbidden - soul gobblers! It had been a long time, but nightmares still sometimes disturbed his usual, though by now decidedly frayed, tranquility. "This is certainly not getting any easier," he sighed. He stumbled in the dark, something that he had not done in millennia. He fell into an abysmal chasm - something that had not happened since he was nine years old.
You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."

Joined: 6 Sep 2006
Age: 136
Gender: Male
Posts: 11,911
Location: Mount Herculaneum/England
Muirachearteach was right, apparently. Battle did go quickly.
Everything seemed to be under control. Sindri seemed to have the bowmen incapacitated, the food hadn't managed to be spilled all over the ground, Marie was being dragged away by a man in a hood...
Marie was being dragged away by a man in a hood?
Irial quickly sprang to action, trying to save her friend from being captured and possibly killed. She dropped to the ground, and crawled to where the hooded man was dragging Marie. Irial popped up, stabbing the hooded man non-fatally((Just in case someone needs an enemy again

Irial looked up, and before she knew it, she was attached to a harness, too, being pulled up to the airship. She looked around, and with a sudden desperate adrenaline rush, she reached out with her sword and cut the ropes pulling Marie and herself to the airship. They landed in the tops of two separate trees, and the airship, believing to have gotten their cargo, flew away quickly.
Marie found herself harnessed and lifted into the air only to be plunging once again. It was now apparent what Sindri had to worry about. These people seemed to come from nowhere over the mystical object within and she soon found herself plunging back down. Irial had severed the ties that was causing them to ascend into the ship and soon she went falling down into a branch.
"Nya!" she wailed a bit, hearing the branch snap against her body. She fell downwards and soon fell on her back. Her body was so sore and bruised now and she felt that this just wasn't her day.
"Irial~!" she called out, lifting her body slowly. Her backfur bristled a bit and she got to her feet, looking around "Irial! Where are you?"
She called out again and looked through the woods, seeming alone. She cupped her hands around her mouth and soon called out "Irial! Sindri!"
Sindri finished off the unresponsive bowman, and saw that Irial and Marie were being pulled away. The three men who had attacked him had recovered and were now attacking him. The first one threw a blow to his neck, and Sindri parried, then hit his foe's sword so hard that it was thrown out of his hands. The other two swung at him, and he cast asphyxiation upon them both. They grabbed at their throats, and Sindri decapitated them both with one swing of Bloodbane. The first one was running away, and Sindri struck him with an ice spell, which froze him in ice.
Marie and Irial were about 10 metres away, and they had broken free of the harnesses pulling them away.
"Are you injured?" Sindri asked them both.
Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!