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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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05 Oct 2012, 11:04 pm

"That works. I was planing on you junping in my ship, leaving your here, hacking the communications and detection system an crashing them then landing by the palace and sneake in using the fake guard as a cover story. But i guess your plan is easyer. Lets go"


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05 Oct 2012, 11:53 pm

As Talway's ship descended into the atmosphere, he began making preparations.

First off, it was going to be a long walk, and his growling stomach was making it perfectly clear that it would not allow him to starve himself any longer. After a few pleasant minutes spent chasing fish around his ship, catching them, crushing them against the plate in the back of his throat (similar to how an arapaima kills it's prey) and swallowing them whole, it was to the armory.

First, he put on his armor. It was hard leather, made from the hide of a beast that the order discovered, (and rather uncreatively named "armorhides") on a distant planet. It was toughed through an intricate series of transmutations known only to the order's alchemists. It did not cover his head, hands, feet, or tail, but because of all the hide-toughening and regeneration mutagens he had taken, he didn't need much armor anyway.

Next to weapons.
The guards would certainly frown on him lugging any of his collection of swords, daggers, or plastic explosives around, limiting him to flasks. Let's see...

10 bottled oceans. That's a given.
10 flasks of +1 gas
7 flasks of fast-acting knock-out gas
7 fast-acting healing potions
5 vials of universal panacea, alpha formula
2 vials of universal panacea, beta formula
3 heavy bomb flasks
10 Acid flasks
8 flasks of Wave-scattering fog
4 100% Friction adhesives
4 0% Friction lubricants

Let's see... one more.

1 Flask of fast-acting Alkahest. The second most powerful weapon in the order's arsenal.

With that, he got into the ship's pressure adjustment chamber and drained it beginning the process of adjusting to the different pressures inside and outside the ship.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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06 Oct 2012, 12:02 pm

As the 2 ships were dissending into the atmosphere, Gary was buzy preparing his weponds catch. He put his diamium sword, shield, pistol, sniper and bombs in his knoted hole in space. He also put his energy bow and cellphone in. He closed the opening with dark electricity.
He put on his cristalized bodysuit and black helm with a one way visor.

He cheaked their decent. They were almost thre.

"Lets get this show on the road"


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06 Oct 2012, 9:45 pm

OOC: I'm sorry once more. it seems that I was mildly negligent once again in the RP, but I did make a promise to myself that I would be sure to post today.

IC: "Wait a second!" asked Nyskel. "Where did you get all of these people to just come with us?" After all, he hadn't ever really seen anyone else on the ship, well, ever. They were apparently all alone for the majority of the time.

Turning around for a few moments, he exhaled and started to cooperate. Indeed, it didn't take too long for him to find an appropriate way into the shuttle and back onto the vessel in turn. Sighing once again, Nyskel was quickly feeling as though he were a victim of circumstance instead of the great rock star that he (thought he) was.

Looking back up for the time being, Nyskel exhaled and just shuffled forwards.

"I'll go along with whatever plan you have, okay? I'll go along with it or whatever, but you have to promise me one thing..." Nyskel shivered. "I don't have to wear a uniform or anything weird like that, do I?" He sighed and flickered his ears for a moment as though he really were an elf of legend.

He didn't want to itch, and worst of all it would be completely unfashionable.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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07 Oct 2012, 11:38 am

OOC: welcome back again.


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07 Oct 2012, 10:17 pm

Talway almost forgot his canteen! Having one of the ship's internal tentacles fetch it and fill it for him, and adjusted to the pressure differences, Talway finally took his first step onto the planet royal.

The starswimmer was surrounded by guards who thought it was some kind of invading lifeform.

"Easy everybody, it's an organic ship." Talway said trying to calm them.

Ugh. This whole planet reeked of the cloying scent of magic. It was overwhelming. He smelled only combat magic on the guards, they would all be easy to handle, if it came to that. But if he caused a scene on the royal planet he could kiss ever getting to see the crime scene goodbye. Looking around, there were security cameras and magic detection equipment everywhere. Looks like they put magic detection devices so that any spell cast anywhere on the planet would set them off.

The royal family kept looking less and less innocent. There was virtually no way a demon-summoning spell could be cast without their knowledge.

Unless they trusted security to handle all that data, and security was working behind their backs.

One of the guards pointed an enchanted spear at Talway's throat.

"Who... WHAT are you, and why are you here?"

Mentioning Gylevant would arouse suspicion, but even if knights of the Translucent Order weren't forbidden to lie, he didn't know enough about the planet to make up a good one.

"I met ambassador Gylevant before his passing. I was planning on seeing his family, to help them through this tough time. And before you ask, I don't know who killed him."

All technically true. Talway didn't know who killed Gylevant, he just had a few good guesses, and he did plan on visiting Gylevant's family.

"How do we know you're not his assassin? Come here to finish his family?"

"Well that would be pretty stupid of me if I was. The smart thing to do would be to lay low for a while."

"Why are you wearing hard leather armor?"

"It's elastic." Talway said, stretching the collar to demonstrate. "Is hard leather elastic?"

"I guess not..." answered the guard. It's not lying if the fool themselves.

"You're carrying a lot of bottles." Began another guard "What for?"

"You're asking a lot of questions. What for?" Talway replied, annoyed.

The second guard rubbed her eyes in frustration. "You'll need to go through customs to get clearence to carry all those chemicals. After that you'll get your visitation papers and your escort officer."

Talway really hated it when the planetary security wasn't stupid.

"Hold on, I'm not alone. Let me wait here for my companion."

The guards dispersed to harass other travelers. Dealing with all this security was going to be a real step on the tail...

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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07 Oct 2012, 10:51 pm

Garys ship landed invisible next to talaways. He saw that the security was going to be difficult. Then when the guards got suspitius about talaway, he dicided he wanted to get in unnoticed. He didnt think those vials were going to pass customs. He steped out of his ship, still invisable, and walked up to talaway. Hes ship turn into a guard and put his hand on talaways shoulder.


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07 Oct 2012, 11:41 pm

Talway felt someone touch his shoulder.

He turned to look. Another guard.

"What, do I need an escort to customs?" Talway spat belligerently.

Just then alarms start going off and the guards circled around.

"What now? Did I say some terrorist code-word or something?" Talway complained.

"Not you." One of the guards said. "The officer at the Camera tower alerted us. That "guard" appeared out of nowhere and isn't assigned to this planet!"

Vishna had turned his ship into a guard out in the open?

Last edited by Tensu on 08 Oct 2012, 12:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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07 Oct 2012, 11:58 pm

OOC: its not magic, its elemental energies.

As the real guards dragged his ship away, Gary ran up to Talaway and threw his invisability over him. "Lets go, we dont have much time before i will have my ship puta yours inside it then race out on here, i forgot anout the cameras."

Gary led Talaway out of the landind field. "So much for a unnotesed entry."


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08 Oct 2012, 12:22 am

OOC: Well, that's going to help the two get along immensly! :D


"I think I have a better idea, but first answer two questions: A. How far does this invisibility extend, and B. Can you and your ship swim?"

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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08 Oct 2012, 12:28 am

"Im not at full power yet so i can only put anything in a 3 meterrange invisable. And i hate water, im an elemental of dark electricity."


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08 Oct 2012, 12:30 am

OOC: Since Nyskel's involvement in the story relies on the actions of Geithern, should I create a second character to feed in here? If I did, what sort of being would fit the theme that Talway and the crew are working in the current storyline. What do you guys think? Alternatively, I could just keep Nyskel by himself and all and not worry about the other storylines involved here.

IC: With an exhalation, Nyksel finally settled into the shuttle seat that he was more or less confined to. It didn't appear like he had much of a choice otherwise. After all, he was more or less someone else's hostage and therefore in quite a bit of a bind. It was rather annoying. As he looked up, the space-elf did his best to consider this as some sort of interesting adventure as opposed to a kidnapping. That's...what it really was after all.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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08 Oct 2012, 12:34 am

OOC: You could be a member of the ambasadors family.


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08 Oct 2012, 12:38 am

OOC: Any particular ideas for that? I mean, what would the family member be like? Otherwise, I suppose I could go crazy.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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08 Oct 2012, 12:42 am

OOC: i dont really know what other roles we would need. But you as a royal would make geting into the palace easyer. Its up to you what you want to do. You could even make a new carecter that we could find a way to work in.


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08 Oct 2012, 10:05 pm

OOC: I think it would be funny to try and drag Nyskel into this, since Jaas accused him of murdering the ambassador, and since he and Talway would not get along. at all. :lol:

Not sure how that would happen though.

IC: "Then since the cameras probably saw me disappear suddenly I think it's best we cut our losses and flee the planet. There's no way we're getting inside any palaces now, and I doubt we've even begun to see the extent of the planet royal's security. We're going to get caught."