As Talway's ship descended into the atmosphere, he began making preparations.
First off, it was going to be a long walk, and his growling stomach was making it perfectly clear that it would not allow him to starve himself any longer. After a few pleasant minutes spent chasing fish around his ship, catching them, crushing them against the plate in the back of his throat (similar to how an arapaima kills it's prey) and swallowing them whole, it was to the armory.
First, he put on his armor. It was hard leather, made from the hide of a beast that the order discovered, (and rather uncreatively named "armorhides") on a distant planet. It was toughed through an intricate series of transmutations known only to the order's alchemists. It did not cover his head, hands, feet, or tail, but because of all the hide-toughening and regeneration mutagens he had taken, he didn't need much armor anyway.
Next to weapons.
The guards would certainly frown on him lugging any of his collection of swords, daggers, or plastic explosives around, limiting him to flasks. Let's see...
10 bottled oceans. That's a given.
10 flasks of +1 gas
7 flasks of fast-acting knock-out gas
7 fast-acting healing potions
5 vials of universal panacea, alpha formula
2 vials of universal panacea, beta formula
3 heavy bomb flasks
10 Acid flasks
8 flasks of Wave-scattering fog
4 100% Friction adhesives
4 0% Friction lubricants
Let's see... one more.
1 Flask of fast-acting Alkahest. The second most powerful weapon in the order's arsenal.
With that, he got into the ship's pressure adjustment chamber and drained it beginning the process of adjusting to the different pressures inside and outside the ship.