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Booyakasha Veteran
Joined: 6 Oct 2009Gender: FemalePosts: 13,898
I blame you for your cuteness protecting you from pigeon poop!
Sylkat Veteran
Joined: 2 Sep 2011Gender: FemalePosts: 17,425
I blame you for dying your fur 'Marilyn Monroe Blonde'.
DeepHour Veteran
Joined: 1 Jun 2014Gender: MalePosts: 84,620Location: United Kingdom
I blame you fur quite a lot of things!
Kiprobalhato Veteran
Joined: 25 Mar 2014Age: 28Gender: FemalePosts: 29,119Location: מתחת לעננים
i blame you for the lack of six flags parks in rapa nui.
I blame you for the German obsession with sausage and sauerkraut.
I blame you for the Balkanization of the Balkans.
I blame you for British stealing the tea from the Chinese!
It's your fault that the WP clock is not operating satisfactorily.
I blame you for my overly ambitious post count!
I blame you for this, that and the other. Especially the other.
I blame you for all the otters of this world and their whiskers and tails!
Your fault for an obsession with marine life.
I blame you for acute and chronic obsession with overly cute rodents.
i blame you for my casual but lifelong interest in pathology.
I am hungry. Your fault.
BetwixtBetween Veteran
Joined: 25 Feb 2014Age: 42Gender: FemalePosts: 3,543Location: Mostly in my head
I already had my flu shot and I'm sick. I blame you.