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salamandaqwerty Veteran
Joined: 26 Nov 2013Age: 45Gender: MalePosts: 1,378
keeps the world from complete social collapse by advising all the worlds leaders on diplomatic policies. its a shame they don't always listen
WitchsCat Veteran
Joined: 7 Apr 2013Age: 37Gender: FemalePosts: 20,433Location: Cleveland, OH
Steals every painting from his local museum, vandalized them, and returns them.
I consider it improvement. likes to dance an incredible complicated Chinese folk dance in the middle of fast food outlets
Serves Chinese food to rodeo clowns.
I serve it on the back of a rampaging bull. is building a spaceship in their living room
Is building a submarine in his bathroom
carries a large Assyrian earthen ware vase on her head everywhere they go,
Has a detachable head.
has a cyborg cat she uses for global domination
His chimney actually launches missiles.
sneaks up behind people at the supermarket and places brussel sprouts in their trolley
Makes model airplanes out of brussel sprouts.
is a fervent believer in the existence of goblins in her backyard that worship her cat as a god
makes mistakes on forums and accidentally posts multiples of the same message
Once dated an Egyptian goddess.
smells slightly of sandalwood and himalayan rhododendrons.