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RoadRatt Veteran
Joined: 26 Aug 2014Age: 60Gender: MalePosts: 59,863Location: Oregon
Wide Wide Sea, The - Hampton Sides
traven Veteran
Joined: 30 Sep 2013Gender: FemalePosts: 14,726
Yucatan Before and After the Conquest - Diego de Landa
Zero Night - Mark Felton
Álgebra Matricial - Exercícios Propostos e Resolvidos - Quântica Editora
Bird Lake Moon - Kevin Henkes
Dark Aemilia - Sally O'Reilly
Electra - Sophocles
Fever - Mary Beth Keane
Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The - Stieg Larsson
Hat Full of Sky, A - Terry Pratchett
Ice Age Mammals of North America - Mountain Press
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell - Susanna Clarke
Leave the World Behind - Rumaan Alam
"Michel Strogoff" - Jules Verne