doordoctor wrote:
Jameson wrote:
doordoctor wrote:
hey, this will be my first win,
I was wondering when you'd show up here...
You need a nut name to win... You get your choice of "Butter Nutter cookie" or "Acorn". Unless, of course, you come up with another nut name that isn't taken yet.
seeing all your posts here made me want to start,
i guess its the creative name that makes me win?? if (i think of some pretty funny one?)
Long story... (about 158 pages long now) I told everyone they were all nuts, and it was decided that you have to be a nut to win this game. So, most people posting in this thread have nut names. I'm "Pine nut". Raph is Coconut. There should be a list of current nut names about 10-15 pages back or so.
Air·is·water·with·holes·in·it. Think·honk·if·you're·a·telepath. Never·call·a·man·a·fool.·Borrow·from·him. A·tautology·is·a·thing·which·is·tautological. Hi!·I'm·a·.signature·virus!·Copy·me·into·your·~/.signature·to·help·me·spread!