Flagg wrote:
That does not make it right.
The justice system does plenty of idiotic things.
Of course. The preumption of innocence in the courtrooms seems to place an unfair onus on the victim.
gwenevyn wrote:
Judges don't consider it to the extent they ought to, in my opinion.
The practice of law is already in many cases reduced to a strategy based game for fat-headed narcissists to play with one another. [/cynicism]
No, it is not just narcissism. It's also all naive defence lawyers who believe everyone they represent is innocent, or more innocent than the prosecutor thinks. But politics has a lot to play. Look at the Lindy Chamberlain case. When the coroner said that the forensic evidence against the Chamberlains was BS and that a dingo had taken the baby, the Northern Territory government did all they could to find evidence to convict the Chamberlains, even if it was dodgy. And they covered up a lot of evidence that would have leaned towards innocence. The NT (ironic, the initials, eh?) government was pissed off by the coroner, so they convicted an innocent woman. Go figure.
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