Thanks, Tally.
I just got my first official rejection letter (e-mail) from this latest round of job applications.
It can't go anywhere but up from here, right? On the way home from paying the towing company today, I heard on the radio, a storyteller tell the story of the old Chinese farmer. He lives with his son, they are very poor, their only wealth is one horse. The horse runs away. Everyone in the village comes to commiserate over the tragedy. The old man says, "how do you know it's not a blessing?" The horse comes back, with a mate. The village comes to congratulate. "How do you know it's not a curse?" The son gets thrown by the new horse, breaks his leg, can't work the fields. "How do you know it's not a blessing?" The Army comes and conscripts all the able-bodied young men in the village; the old man's broken-legged son is exempted.
How do I know all this isn't a blessing? Trouble is it doesn't seem to be alternating good and bad ... it all sucks.
Concepts create idols; only wonder comprehends anything. People kill one another over idols. Wonder makes us fall to our knees.
-- Saint Gregory of Nyssa