Best YIM convo ever!
faye05ofpisay: OMG I can imagine him with Zhuge Liang
Plasma: O________O
faye05ofpisay: They're cute together
Plasma: O________________________________________O
Plasma: *imagines it, shudders*
faye05ofpisay: "Would you stop fanning?"
Plasma: XD
faye05ofpisay: "It's messing up my hair..."
Plasma: Nice one.
faye05ofpisay: Comb plz.
faye05ofpisay: "But it's so HOT in here!" XD
Plasma: XDDD
faye05ofpisay: Air conditioner plz
faye05ofpisay: "But air conditioners weren't invented yet!"
Plasma: XDDDD
faye05ofpisay: Lovers' quarrel
Plasma: You're funny.
faye05ofpisay: You should draw them
faye05ofpisay: YAOI
Plasma: XD
Plasma: Hey, good idea.
(I'm Plasma, and the other person is my friend.)