lemon wrote:
Aspie_for_the_Lord wrote:
okok, so who else is a girl, who is usually thought of as guy??
i have had it, doordoctor has called me 'he' once, and others i don't remember
Ok, so to clarify for AftL - lemon, Starr, bizarre, raph, and doordoctor are all of the female persuasion.
Air·is·water·with·holes·in·it. Think·honk·if·you're·a·telepath. Never·call·a·man·a·fool.·Borrow·from·him. A·tautology·is·a·thing·which·is·tautological. Hi!·I'm·a·.signature·virus!·Copy·me·into·your·~/.signature·to·help·me·spread!