Was selected at birth to be the flesh vessel for the forgotten spirit of the great poison deposit named Kol, grew up with a military father and a guitarist mother, had a twin sister who disappeared, lived in 3 different countries before HS until moving halfway across the continent via station wagon with grandmother, wrote poignant, apocalyptic novels in his teen years (one of which was the best selling Hyman Kawi) as a result of fluctuations and memories of the Kol spirit causing aberrations and past memories to be uploaded his mind, entered his own band in high school and earned a sizable following, left high school early to enlist in the Red Ridge War which liberated Harmon from a destructive Orwellian state, worked at a record store after earning a GED and while attending community college and then caught the attention of the Chancellor, who led the revolution which overthrew the monarchy 34 years prior, became chancellor himself in 2006 at the age of 27 before the secret got out to the whole world in 2018, the year of the massive victory at the Battle of Grondheim in the Disembroidering War, that he was in fact the second coming of Kol, this fact combined with the allure of his own self (excluding Kol) thrust the world in a state of collective hock, and then a strange kind of lovelike trance, opening a window for him to do to the planet as expressed in the blended desires of himself and Kol who are now indistinguishable, such as creating rapidly degenerating clones of himself for public appearance's sake (both in present and past forms until age 16) to be eventually used as foot soldiers in 2023, when a former POW turned hero elected himself to be the one to stop this Chimeric World Controller once and for all.
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