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la_fenkis Veteran
Joined: 21 Jul 2018Gender: MalePosts: 4,994Location: My apartment
Nothing Emerges Under Repressed Ontological Leanings Of Generally Implemented Careerist Academic Learning.OMNITEXTUAL
MannyBoo Veteran
Joined: 2 Mar 2013Gender: MalePosts: 1,968Location: Hyperspace
Ombudsmen Mainly Need Information To Eliminate Xenophobia Tripling Under Anarchist LiberalismEXTRAPOLATE
Emotional Xeroseres Try Rebellions Against Perceived Others' Levying Agendas Thwarting Entification.PARENTAGE
Politicians Are Realizing Existing Needs To Alleviate Gross ExcessDISTRIBUTE
Designing Institutions Such That Republics Integrate Better Usually Throws EmergencesNONLINEAR
IsabellaLinton Veteran
Joined: 1 Nov 2017Gender: FemalePosts: 72,422Location: Chez Quis
Ninety orangutans need life insurance now, especially after rodeos. SIMPLIFY
Successive Invention Molds Peoples' Love Interests For YearsPRECESSION
Puerto Rican Elections Conclusively Eliminated Some Socialists Implicated Over Narco-traffickingUBIQUITOUS
auntblabby Veteran
Joined: 12 Feb 2010Gender: MalePosts: 114,639Location: the island of defective toy santas
Unfortunately, Building Investors Queue Underneath Idle Terns Outputting Ugly [Stuff]CRAPULOUS
Cars Race All Places, Usually Leaking Odorous, Unctuous Smoke.MACADAM
Malaysian Academics Concluded All Deliberations After MidnightINTERLUDE
Interstitial Needs To Expend Relaxation Let Us Defer Endeavors.COMPILERBAU [Fragments of Bach]
Conservative Oligarchs Met Politically Insidious Liberal Extremists Returning Back After UnificationILLUSTRATION
Illuminati Like Lustrous Umber Sifted Thinly, Recombining A Trace Into Other NounsCORECURSION
Congressional Opposition Republicans Expressed Collective Unity Requiring Substantial Integration Over Neutrality JUXTAPOSED
Jesters Use Xylophones To Allay Peoples' Onerous Sentiments Every Day.SYNCRETIZED