bizarre wrote:
When i say Dia, Dia, Dia you say Beetis, Beetis Beetis.
I love that video.
• The common fastener known as the staple is named after French entrepreneur Pierre l'Staple, who patented, but did not invent, the device in 1850.
• According to recent survey that spanned several large US cities, nearly one third of all ice-cream truck operators had at least one felony conviction.
• In North Carolina, it is illegal to sell a fork with fewer than three prongs.
• Mexico has more laws related to the production, manufacturing, and distribution of alcoholic beverages than any other category.
• There are 25 different plants that are refined to produce sugar throughout the world. While beet and sugar cane are the most common, the Japanese Honeysuckle variety that is the most prized and most expensive.
• Nimro Klims holds the honor of being the only person issued an official birth certificate in the U.S. that lists no mother, father, next of kin, or ward.
• 73 percent of Sheep owners find it easier to fall asleep that non-sheep owners.
• As a child Neil Armstrong acted in a series of cereal commercials.
• The Danish consume the fewest donuts per capita in the world.
• In 1995, researchers in Belize announced that the they could predict with 80 percent accuracy a toucan's lifespan based upon the size of the bird's pupil at age one.
• The average number of warning labels per product in the U.S. has increased from 0.18 in 1956 to 17.9 in 2006
• Japan uses 200 pounds of disposable chopsticks per person each year.
• Despite popular stereotypes, a recent survey has revealed that men, on average, spend 26 percent more time shopping than women do.
• Mt. Everest has never been climbed by a person wearing a wig or toupee.
• The Catholic church has named more than 3500 patron saints, including ones for washing machines, pet donkeys, and peanut farmers.
• In Uganda it is illegal for a man to step into a street with his left foot first.
• Of every 400 people currently living at any given time: 16 will lose one or more toes; five will lose one or more fingers; two will lose an arm or leg; and one will be decapitated.
• The highest number ever to be counted to aloud and without pause is 122,312.
• As of January 1, 2007, there were 86,410 different types of plastic. 2,128 types were developed in 2006.
• Chewed pen caps outnumber unchewed ones nearly two to one in a typical American office place.
Guns don't kill people, the government does.
The final war will be between Pavlov's dog and Schroedinger's cat.
Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.