Graelwyn wrote:
LadyCass wrote:
ahayes wrote:
Graelwyn wrote:
ahayes wrote:
Graelwyn wrote:
Totally lost....miss out posting for a day and this is what happens. I wish people would also not just do 1 and 2 line posts, kind of defeats the object in my own opinion. Prefer the longer posts that have some actual content.
Anyway...can someone recap what has happened involving my own character since I posted so I can see where to go next with my own side of things. I know I had ahayes character playing protector... no offence, but I rather wanted quartermass, find his character's personality much more suited to it, lol, especially with the tongue in cheek stuff.
Two ogres attacked you. Merithae stopped on, Cow Panther stopped the other. Cow Panther is watching you. Merithae is at your house.
In that case, I think I shall just wander off and keep away from my house.
There's a gigantic cloud over your house that is emitting ogres that attack you. If you don't come and open up your house there won't be any way to stop the ogres.
There are ways to get around that.
I am not so keen on engaging in masses of fight action... not that sort of character really. Now I have lost the plot and have no idea how to do my next post, lol. I need someone to have my character do something so I have something to work on...and no, not you ahayes, lol, I know the sort of scenarios you might put her through.
Who said I was planning on mass fighting? You underestimate my character. (Which is rather easy to do, I suppose, considering she's drinking right now. I knew putting her in a bar would be trouble...)
If you don't object, I'll (whoops, Rain'll
) come for some help. She might be able to use it.
And this is my 666th post!
"Nothing worth having is easy."
Three years!