It'll need skilled leadership, and clear goals. I also think that we should only let aspies become politicians, and test those who do want to become politicians for their skills and qualifications. There should be a constitution based on balancing individual freedom and stability and security, whilst being aspie-friendly.
Businesses should be regulated, but reduce taxes in order to attract companies as a tax haven. Have immigration check everyone who wants to immigrate.
Military? Well, to start with, you need a defence force of some form, which can be expanded later on.
A "navy" of 3-5 patrol/search and rescue boats, and some motor rafts to start with. You don't need very much to keep a small island's coasts secure.
The initial army needn't be no more than a small company of 60-100 personnel, then it can be expanded once growth reaches a certain point. Of course, only about 1 platoon will be functional at the start, commanded by a Captain of the Guards. Starting army commanded by major, whole military under command of Lieutenant Colonel, and the President/Chancellor, who is also Colonel-In-Chief.
Air force? 2-5 helicopters, 1-2 general purpose planes are all that is needed.
As for police, well, if we're thinking of a large town and outlying villages to start with, you only need about 100-150 cops with equipment, and all-terrain vehicles. Yes, aspies commit crimes too.
There should be a state broadcasting corporation.
State hospitals and schools, one university to start off with. "Free" state services, but private schools and hospitals allowed, just kinda pointless.
You'll see the capital expand into a small city in no time, and the villages will follow suit. That, I think, is when there will be a need to expand the nation more, to other islands. The location will need to be carefully chosen, and there will need to be alot of investment in order to make it not only good, but sustainable. We'll need to use some innovation to build factories which will produce food on indoors fields on multiple floors. All the other food would need to be imported.
As for transport to and around the islands, well, there would need to be an airport with a runway big enough to handle medium to long haul aircraft, such as the Boeing 737, and 777. Space would also be set aside for the small air force. Not a hueg international airport, just something that does the job.
Harbour/docks shouldn't be too much of a problem. Find somewhere which will have a big enough space to harbour most cargo ships.
Public transport should ideally be buses or trams around the island. Ferries would do the rest of the work with more than one island.
Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!