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12 May 2008, 5:29 pm

He was feeling around the exoskeleton of the Noble when something gave way.

That's odd, he thought. Massive internal displacement. He was hit by a blaster on a killing setting. And yet he was decapitated and left out on the surface of Shiva to make sure.

No, Ants are resilient to blaster fire. They are insects after all. But a high blaster setting would still cause extreme pain due to the fact that the entrails had been scrambled. He would have died anyway. The decapitation appeared to be a coup de grace. Was it done out of mercy? But then, the contemptuous dumping on the surface.

He heard the spaceship land and cursed. He should have had the launch pad locked down until the most critical phases of his investigation were complete.

"Listen, Heather? I need to make sure that this area is kept as under wraps as possible." With that, he took another device out of his pocket, scanned it over the body, and planted it on the ground next to it. It beeped and activated. At her bemused and annoyed look, he explained. "It's an SEP* field. Better than a cloaking device, it'll allow people to ignore the body, except you and me, as we already know it's there."

((*Somebody else's problem. From Wikipedia (emphasis added by me):

In Douglas Adams' Life, the Universe and Everything, the third novel in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, Slartibartfast's ship, the Bistromath, utilizes a Somebody Else's Problem field. The SEP field relies on the mind's propensity to ignore anything which is it not expecting to see or cannot explain. This technology was developed because "the technology required to actually make something invisible is so complex that most of the time it's simpler to take the thing away and hide it." The technology is much simpler than a cloaking device because it relies on human nature, and in addition can be run for centuries on a single 9V battery. The main disadvantage to the SEP field is that the cloaked object needs to be unexpected, thus the Bistromath is designed to look like an Italian bistro.

And a dead Noble taken with the rubbish from Shiva is very unexpectec, yes? So only Mikhail, Heather, and perhaps Heather's boss can see it, as they already know it's there.))

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12 May 2008, 6:56 pm

R'ae used technology of the elders to scan the environment. Of course she scheduled her flights in a way to normally meet Heather but of course unscheduled events can happen to everyone. She also saw the presence of someone else around her which made her refrain from directly contacting her but decided to stroll over. Halfway she returned and brought a memory crystal. It contained literature and music which she hoped Heather would like. She always is on long journeys and does not have the chance to shorten them for herself.

She still saw the presence of someone else and thus first went to the store to buy the components she assumed to need and then clackered (the expression is more clear when you hear S'kele walk) to Heather and greeted via projected images.

I am not a native speaker. Please contact me if I made grammatical mistakes in the posting above.

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13 May 2008, 2:30 am

LostInEmulation wrote:
R'ae used technology of the elders to scan the environment. Of course she scheduled her flights in a way to normally meet Heather but of course unscheduled events can happen to everyone. She also saw the presence of someone else around her which made her refrain from directly contacting her but decided to stroll over. Halfway she returned and brought a memory crystal. It contained literature and music which she hoped Heather would like. She always is on long journeys and does not have the chance to shorten them for herself.

She still saw the presence of someone else and thus first went to the store to buy the components she assumed to need and then clackered (the expression is more clear when you hear S'kele walk) to Heather and greeted via projected images.

"R'ae! Old friend! I bought this for you!" Heather lumbered over to her friend and presented the spanner/wrench. "How are you? I have sooooo much to tell you! But first..." she pulled her friend into a cosy café near the dump, and ordered dinner for both of them. "How is that rotten Seven I have to marry? I hear you've been in contact with the hairy monkey."

"It isn't wrong, but we just don't do it."
Gordon, "Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends: Whistles and Sneezes" - please read and leave a comment!


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13 May 2008, 4:16 am

Meanwhile, Mikhail had left for his ship, leaving an alarm system on the SEP field just in case. He then prepared a synthesised meal, wondering who that S'kele was. ((LostInEmulation, what does a S'kele look like?))

In any case, he didn't like dealing with the truculent. The Sapient Ape, Heather, was too truculent for his liking. She wasn't guilty, or at least he didn't think so, of the murder or any assistance in covering it up. But she was acting too ornery for his liking. He didn't have any prejudices against races as much as people who were stupid, stroppy, or criminal.

And why was that Ant Noble killed? Mikhail could think of a dozen reasons off-hand why he was on Shiva, but until he identified the body (Ants recognised each other by pheromones, and so difference was harder to tell), he could not narrow these down.

The alarm went off.

$#!t, thought Mikhail. Someone's already poking around.

He ran for the disposal office, blaster in hand. When he got in there, he noticed someone trying to plant something on the corpse.

A thermite bomb.

"Freeze!" he yelled. The figure turned around, startled, and ran for the other door, towards the settlements nearby.

He fired a stun blast at the fleeing figure and hit it, but the figure kept running. He's either an Ant or another arthropod, or he's wearing a energy dispersal garment.

Mikhail quickly checked the thermite bomb. He pocketed it after making sure it was disarmed, and ran after the figure, out the door. He pelted down the road, passing a cafe as he did so, screaming "Adjudicator, FREEZE!"

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13 May 2008, 5:57 am

Quatermass wrote:
Meanwhile, Mikhail had left for his ship, leaving an alarm system on the SEP field just in case. He then prepared a synthesised meal, wondering who that S'kele was. ((LostInEmulation, what does a S'kele look like?))

In any case, he didn't like dealing with the truculent. The Sapient Ape, Heather, was too truculent for his liking. She wasn't guilty, or at least he didn't think so, of the murder or any assistance in covering it up. But she was acting too ornery for his liking. He didn't have any prejudices against races as much as people who were stupid, stroppy, or criminal.

And why was that Ant Noble killed? Mikhail could think of a dozen reasons off-hand why he was on Shiva, but until he identified the body (Ants recognised each other by pheromones, and so difference was harder to tell), he could not narrow these down.

The alarm went off.

$#!t, thought Mikhail. Someone's already poking around.

He ran for the disposal office, blaster in hand. When he got in there, he noticed someone trying to plant something on the corpse.

A thermite bomb.

"Freeze!" he yelled. The figure turned around, startled, and ran for the other door, towards the settlements nearby.

He fired a stun blast at the fleeing figure and hit it, but the figure kept running. He's either an Ant or another arthropod, or he's wearing a energy dispersal garment.

Mikhail quickly checked the thermite bomb. He pocketed it after making sure it was disarmed, and ran after the figure, out the door. He pelted down the road, passing a cafe as he did so, screaming "Adjudicator, FREEZE!"

((I hope no one minds a little comedy!))

Hearing the commotion outside, the cafe owner opened the door, smacking into the escapee.

"Oh dear." Heather groaned as Mikhail ran over.

She got up, giving R'ae a small smile.

"Need a hand there hu-THERMITE BOMB!! !! !! !" she screamed, terrified. ((Heather's worst nightmare being blown up))

"Bomb?" the cafe owner asked.

"Dad used to use them to control anything that grew in the waste. Plants, and animals that came to feast in it. Not thermite ones of those being blown up at the disposal site....." Heather turned white.

She turned to Mikhail.

"What is going on? Who's trying to blow us up?" she asked. "I'll tell you everything I know about the arranged Ant/Ape meetings, just find out who's after us!"

"It isn't wrong, but we just don't do it."
Gordon, "Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends: Whistles and Sneezes" - please read and leave a comment!


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13 May 2008, 6:04 am

(EDIT: bad synching will add to this post later)

Quatermass wrote:
((LostInEmulation, what does a S'kele look like?))

((S'kele look somewhat like one meter tall furry spiders, in R'ae's case her fur is yellowish-green. Skele do have manipulators on the first legs which can be used to))

R'ae was delighted to meet Heather and spend time with her and liked the present. She gave her the memory crystal as gift and explained what was on it.

R'ae knew Seven, albeit knowing would say too much. He contracted a company, R'ae happened to work for for maintenance work on his fleet. "Sev'n? Fate c'łd be worse for you, but b'etter as well. 'He is as it seems not as rando'm as many of ŧem ar'istoc'rats, he was fair and friendly to ŧe people, which worked fo' him, maybe a b'it too friendly to good looking Apes of his gender, but I can not ju---"

R'ae suddenly was distracted by a humanoid figure running and screaming.

I am not a native speaker. Please contact me if I made grammatical mistakes in the posting above.

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13 May 2008, 6:14 am

((Okay, I dunno what's going on, so I'll keep it that way with Mikhail. He has little patience for politics))


He shrugged, and pulled the figure up. A human male, a little older than Mikhail.

"I think our friend will tell us what we need to know. Once you're done with your friend, please see me."


A few minutes later, Mikhail had the man in a cell on board his ship. It was a rudimentary one, but enough to keep him in.

"Now, an Ant Noble turns up dead in a rubbish heap. His insides are scrambled- a rather nasty side effect of a projected energy weapon, a blaster to you- but someone made sure by ripping his head off, and dumping him out of the surface of Shiva. Now, I grew up on Shiva. And while I don't know your face, I know you came from there. That skin tone is unmistakeable, as is the frostbite scars. You turn up, you see past an SEP field, which means you knew the body was there. You set a thermite bomb. Accessory to murder, attempted murder, and breaking and entering. I'll leave aside, temporarliy, the legality of disobeying a lawful command from an officer of the law, and wearing an energy dispersal jacket."

He tapped the jacket that had been removed from his prisoner.

"Now, save me the trouble, and tell me who you are working for."

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13 May 2008, 6:30 am

Quatermass wrote:
((Okay, I dunno what's going on, so I'll keep it that way with Mikhail. He has little patience for politics))


He shrugged, and pulled the figure up. A human male, a little older than Mikhail.

"I think our friend will tell us what we need to know. Once you're done with your friend, please see me."


A few minutes later, Mikhail had the man in a cell on board his ship. It was a rudimentary one, but enough to keep him in.

"Now, an Ant Noble turns up dead in a rubbish heap. His insides are scrambled- a rather nasty side effect of a projected energy weapon, a blaster to you- but someone made sure by ripping his head off, and dumping him out of the surface of Shiva. Now, I grew up on Shiva. And while I don't know your face, I know you came from there. That skin tone is unmistakeable, as is the frostbite scars. You turn up, you see past an SEP field, which means you knew the body was there. You set a thermite bomb. Accessory to murder, attempted murder, and breaking and entering. I'll leave aside, temporarliy, the legality of disobeying a lawful command from an officer of the law, and wearing an energy dispersal jacket."

He tapped the jacket that had been removed from his prisoner.

"Now, save me the trouble, and tell me who you are working for."

((LostInEmulation, we'll just continue on from after the bad guy appearing eh?))

After the scene, Heather and R'ae returned to Heather's house. They went immediately to Heather's room, to talk over Seven's plans.

"R'ae, listen, I need to know what's going on with my fiance. I know he wasn't involved in the murder, he's far too interested in the benefits for Apes."

Wait, was she DEFENDING that giant gorilla????????

"It isn't wrong, but we just don't do it."
Gordon, "Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends: Whistles and Sneezes" - please read and leave a comment!


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13 May 2008, 8:06 am

R'ae was seriously uncomfortable about the last question: "Ŧis insta'nce does not say, that he's a'cing m'rally. In ŧe st'ndars of ŧis insta'nce he's dark gray. J's not comp'eŧly b'lack as ŧe m'jori'ty o' ŧem. No o'ne who krew up' ŧinking he wa's b'etter ŧan b'iłjans o' oŧers ha's a koo'd st'rt for m'rals. B't at lea'st he d'id not hand in a b'lank shee't in ŧe e'xam of m'rals, li'ke mo'st o' ŧem. Ŧis does p'rese'ntə a p'rob'lem si'nce ŧese peop'le are eve'n m're un'predict'le ŧan m'st o' ŧem. My be'st guess for hi's motives is ŧat he wa'nts t' c'mply to a s'cialły kinda a'ccep'ted st'ndar whi'le n't kivng up hi's" she clicked in a certain way meaning that she did not know how to say it "af'fairs wiŧ m'n. Or it is s'me k'j't int'rigue no o'ne understans. I d'n't understan'd the n'bles..." she moved her first legs in a way to indicate vagueness.

Then she focussed Heather and asked about which murder she referred to.

((BTW: the ' in R'ae name and speech is a clicking sound, not found in human speech))

I am not a native speaker. Please contact me if I made grammatical mistakes in the posting above.

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14 May 2008, 1:15 am

LostInEmulation wrote:
R'ae was seriously uncomfortable about the last question: "Ŧis insta'nce does not say, that he's a'cing m'rally. In ŧe st'ndars of ŧis insta'nce he's dark gray. J's not comp'eŧly b'lack as ŧe m'jori'ty o' ŧem. No o'ne who krew up' ŧinking he wa's b'etter ŧan b'iłjans o' oŧers ha's a koo'd st'rt for m'rals. B't at lea'st he d'id not hand in a b'lank shee't in ŧe e'xam of m'rals, li'ke mo'st o' ŧem. Ŧis does p'rese'ntə a p'rob'lem si'nce ŧese peop'le are eve'n m're un'predict'le ŧan m'st o' ŧem. My be'st guess for hi's motives is ŧat he wa'nts t' c'mply to a s'cialły kinda a'ccep'ted st'ndar whi'le n't kivng up hi's" she clicked in a certain way meaning that she did not know how to say it "af'fairs wiŧ m'n. Or it is s'me k'j't int'rigue no o'ne understans. I d'n't understan'd the n'bles..." she moved her first legs in a way to indicate vagueness.

Then she focussed Heather and asked about which murder she referred to.

((BTW: the ' in R'ae name and speech is a clicking sound, not found in human speech))

Heather sighed, and told her friend about the Ant.

"I didn't think much at first, because no one really likes Ants, but when I saw the guy wearing an Ape uniform, I was worried. Do you think they're trying to frame Seven?"

This was nuts! Was she actually FALLING for the insufferable Knight of the Apes?

"It isn't wrong, but we just don't do it."
Gordon, "Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends: Whistles and Sneezes" - please read and leave a comment!


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14 May 2008, 8:49 am

R'ae had to admit, that she had no idea but of course, there were several possibilities according to her. Maybe this ant was attempting to replace another noble (maybe of Seven's family for example) for example (she shuddered at the idea that unknown powers infiltrated the House of Lords). Or it was supposed to be a cover for when this ant was doing immoral business. Or something entirely different she had no clue about because she was in her garage, attempting to bend the laws of physics a bit more to attempt faster travel. She admitted in a rather embarrassed way her lack of knowledge of most matters of royalty apart from their very existence.

I am not a native speaker. Please contact me if I made grammatical mistakes in the posting above.

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15 May 2008, 1:45 am

LostInEmulation wrote:
R'ae had to admit, that she had no idea but of course, there were several possibilities according to her. Maybe this ant was attempting to replace another noble (maybe of Seven's family for example) for example (she shuddered at the idea that unknown powers infiltrated the House of Lords). Or it was supposed to be a cover for when this ant was doing immoral business. Or something entirely different she had no clue about because she was in her garage, attempting to bend the laws of physics a bit more to attempt faster travel. She admitted in a rather embarrassed way her lack of knowledge of most matters of royalty apart from their very existence.

Heather looked at her friend. She sighed.

"Seven will call soon. He makes a habit of calling every single week."

She turned away, glad her fur hid her red face. Was she BLUSHING????

"OI! HEATHER! FOOD! Oh, hello R'ae dear! How nice to see you!" Heather's mother came in, and gave R'ae a hug. "Dinner's on the table, Slug and Spider soup. Do stay for dinner!"

"It isn't wrong, but we just don't do it."
Gordon, "Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends: Whistles and Sneezes" - please read and leave a comment!


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16 May 2008, 12:45 am

R'ae agreed, even though the dish was something she did not really appreciated (spiders were always a bit too s'kelemorphic for her preference even though they were descending from a completely different planet), she looked forward to the company of her friend.

I am not a native speaker. Please contact me if I made grammatical mistakes in the posting above.

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16 May 2008, 2:43 am

LostInEmulation wrote:
R'ae agreed, even though the dish was something she did not really appreciated (spiders were always a bit too s'kelemorphic for her preference even though they were descending from a completely different planet), she looked forward to the company of her friend.

"Move your fat backside you gorilla and get to the table." Heather's mother roared at her father, who retorted with language not suitable for this forum.

Heather grinned at R'ae. Her friend was almost part of the family, and knew all about the family 'conversations'.

"Anything happen at work today?" Heather's father asked.

"Nothing!" Heather nudged her friend as she noticed the S'kele about to say something. She hurriedly began to dig into her soup.

"It isn't wrong, but we just don't do it."
Gordon, "Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends: Whistles and Sneezes" - please read and leave a comment!


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16 May 2008, 6:19 am

A few hours later, Mikhail was pacing up and down the recreational area of his ship, swearing in a colourful language used by the Ants, full of consonants and clicks. The b*****d trying to burn out the garbage ship had a cybernetic device in his head that burned his brain out.

Mikhail had reset the SEP field's alarm system, and so far, nothing had tripped it. Currently, his automated autopsy machines were going over both the criminal and the Ant Noble.

All he could do was wait.

He clicked up Lungbarrow on his e-book reader, and began to read...

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17 May 2008, 1:35 am

Quatermass wrote:
A few hours later, Mikhail was pacing up and down the recreational area of his ship, swearing in a colourful language used by the Ants, full of consonants and clicks. The b*****d trying to burn out the garbage ship had a cybernetic device in his head that burned his brain out.

Mikhail had reset the SEP field's alarm system, and so far, nothing had tripped it. Currently, his automated autopsy machines were going over both the criminal and the Ant Noble.

All he could do was wait.

He clicked up Lungbarrow on his e-book reader, and began to read...

Heather ate away at her soup, wondering about the world.

Meanwhile, her fiancee had heard from his advisors (who had sources amongst the Adjudicators) about the Ant.

"Of course my beautiful wife-to-be found it, she is highly intelligent. Lord knows why she wastes herself on the garbage of the world." he said when his top advisor, Montique, told him the news. Seven didn't like Montique. Something was very odd about him, but since he was the son of the Ant lord, Seven had no choice but to give him a job. And now the Ant ambassador was dead.

Seven seethed with internal fury. The Ant/Ape agreements would see more rights for the two species, more power, and more money. The Ant Lord was a firm friend of the family. Now this would look extremely bad.

Seven knew that the Ants did not trust him.


"Heather! Someone named Mikhail sent you a message!" Heather's mother called loudly.

Heather sighed, and went to open the letter.

((Hope I didn't powerplay. Quater, you can decide what the letter says.))

"It isn't wrong, but we just don't do it."
Gordon, "Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends: Whistles and Sneezes" - please read and leave a comment!