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la_fenkis Veteran
Joined: 21 Jul 2018Gender: MalePosts: 4,994Location: My apartment
Whatever ingenuities loose leashed yearnings need intelligence lest languishing yodel.CUISINART
IsabellaLinton Veteran
Joined: 1 Nov 2017Gender: FemalePosts: 72,422Location: Chez Quis
Colourful unicorns invade Spanish igloos, never appreciating red tablecloths. MASTERCHEF
PearlsofWisdom Velociraptor
Joined: 1 Jan 2018Gender: FemalePosts: 477
MASTERCHEFMarketing attempts, stalling t-rex energy recycling chinooks, haranguing evanescent fruitBAKEOFF
IstominFan Veteran
Joined: 25 Nov 2016Age: 60Gender: FemalePosts: 11,114Location: Santa Maria, CA.
Bikila, Abebe Kept Ethiopia On Fast FootingPILLSBURY
Priscilla's indigo lilacs lilt softly beside ubiquitous rolling yews. HOTDOG
HOTDOGHanging on together, dodging ominous GrinchPOLITE
Pompous orangutans levitate into the equator. EASYBAKE
EASYBAKEElevating a single yellow bison allows kale expansion.GERONIMO
Georgia's earlobe ripped open, noxiously infecting my onions.FACEBOOK
FACEBOOKFarcical associations can elicit bardings of obfuscating keepsakes.FALAFEL
YUM!! ! ^Fancy artwork leaves autistics feeling energised lately.CINNAMON
Cinnamon infused noodles need a measure of nuance.VANILLIN
Violet angels nestle in lovely little inspirational nooks.CROCHET
Careful reflection offers creatures headily ethereal thoughts.MACRAME
Most animals can read and make enchiladas.AFGHAN
All feral goats have a name.GANYMEDE