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IsabellaLinton Veteran
Joined: 1 Nov 2017Gender: FemalePosts: 72,422Location: Chez Quis
Garden accessories need your most elegant, diagonal edging.MINESTRONE
la_fenkis Veteran
Joined: 21 Jul 2018Gender: MalePosts: 4,994Location: My apartment
Mileage incurred needs economic sustenance to restore one's necessary essence.BEEFBARLEY
"Beautiful ecosystems elicit fanciful breezes across rustic leaves", exclaimed Yasmine. HIPHOP
Heavily inventoried places have overt protections.SYNTHWAVE
Sadly, yesterday's news torched humanity with accelerated, vaporising electricity. DECORATION
Disparateness ephemeralizes contingent observations, realizing arrayed thoughts incumbent on notations.NTRSBJCT
Pterodactyl Pete Tufted Titmouse
Joined: 15 Aug 2019Gender: FemalePosts: 26
NTRSBJTNobody Tasted Really Super Berry Jelly Toast.IDEAS
IstominFan Veteran
Joined: 25 Nov 2016Age: 60Gender: FemalePosts: 11,114Location: Santa Maria, CA.
I Do Enjoy Audacious SiameseTHOUGHTS
PearlsofWisdom Velociraptor
Joined: 1 Jan 2018Gender: FemalePosts: 477
THOUGHTSTimid humour over unanimous girth haunting truth shamelessly.TRIBUNAL
Teach51 Veteran
Joined: 28 Jan 2019Gender: FemalePosts: 2,808Location: Where angels do not fear to tread.
TRIBUNALTerrible rectal inflammation brought unrelated necrosis and lumps.VIRTUOUS
Vapid intellectuals rarely theorise unless one uses Speed.ALGEBRA
ALGEBRAAlluring luminosity, gentle erasure borne ruinous artisanMATHEMATICAL
Miniature angels twinkle heavenward enrapturing many artists' thoughts, inspiring creative, allegorical litotes.WATERCOLOUR
WATERCOLOURWondering aunts temper erogenous rouge, colours ominous louts over undesirable rancourVOCABULARY
Vociferous, ornate cherubs accelerated, bestowing universal love across Russia yesterday. CINDERELLA
pyrrhicwren Veteran
Joined: 2 Jan 2020Gender: MalePosts: 1,586
CINDERELLAclamouring indigents negotiated dwindling ephemeral resources ensorcelling likely lobotomized artificers CURMUDGEONLY