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Catlover5 Veteran
Joined: 9 May 2015Age: 25Gender: MalePosts: 5,199Location: Norfolk, UK
[Wikipedia]You have been banned for removal of material from Ban:Kuraudo777.[/Wikipedia]
TheAP Veteran
Joined: 28 Dec 2014Age: 26Gender: FemalePosts: 20,314Location: Canada
The tradition in this game is to ban people, so I am going to ban you. Tradition FTW!
Banned for using the words "ban" and "tradition" twice in one post.
Banned banned for for having having something something against against the the repetition repetition of of words words.
BBaannnneedd ffoorr rreeppeeaattiinngg wwoorrddss bbuutt nnoott lleetttteerrss.
Baned for ptig ls.
Adnenb fro otn acbrsngilm uyor wdsor.
kazanscube Veteran
Joined: 21 Sep 2015Gender: MalePosts: 26,180
Banned for spreading fleas
Banned for trying to flee from the banhammer.
Banned for not having a roundtrip ticket..
Here's a one-way ticket to Banville.
Banned since the train is only going to Clarksville-
Banned for Monkee business.
Banned for trying to blind me with science--
Introducing the iBan, the latest piece of digital technology! With just one click you can ban anyone! Let me try it out on kazanscube. Yay! It worked! Buy the new iBan today, only $100 at your local Orange store!