Fantasy Lands-Gandesha-Let's Roleplay!
Marie grumbled a bit; though she had thought of a decision that she thought was wise and well he blatantly disregarded it and went forth to carry out his plan. She paused; was there anything she could do? Would she need his approval if he didn't listen to her anyways? He could have at least acknowledged it. And with that she decided to be rash, turning to Sindri, her eyes narrowing.
"You can go on ahead; I'm going my own way." she said, readying to flee "Irial can come if she wants though, but I'm going somewhere else."
((Marie does that a lot X3))
Oh poo, can't get images to work~
"My dear Quatermass, what an unexpected pleasure!"
"But I don't understand," muttered Alaric.
"No Alaric, you NEVER do." Then turning to Myrrhdyn, "Why Myrrhdyn, you HAVE been naive."
Casting aside a doll that resembled one of the Scientian monks, he withdrew a brand-new Tissue Compression Eliminator, for this was one of three things he had reworked the block transfer computation to create, and pointed it at Myrrhdyn. The second was a fully functional TARDIS (he had reorganised the genetics of his new body and given it Rassilon's Imprimatur to enable him to use it) which he had been concealing in the form of a stone pillar. "You will allow me to escape with Myrrhdyn and Marie or the former will be dealt with by this device, which I am certain at least two of you will recognise. Also, if you attempt to follow me, you will find it will cost you everything." Then unable to resist himself (and knowing how much it would irritate Alaric, Myrrhdyn and Quatermass) he yet again said the words, "I am the Master and you WILL obey me!"
"So, if it isn't little Koschei. Koschei, the little member of the Deca. Koschei, who wondered how Magnus could just click his fingers and the rest'd follow. Koschei, who sacrificed an entire planet for a love who lied."
A brief time-slash later, and Quatermass was standing nose-to-nose with the Master, wrenching the TCE out of his hands. Harder than it looked, given Time Lord's abilities to resist time distortions.
"You are the Master? You're a pathetic, sad piece of excrement who fears death. You want dominion over the living, yet all you do is kill!"
Quatermass lashed the TCE across the Master's face, who collapsed to his knees.
"The Universe? Yours? Don't forget, little Koschei, I've learnt some new tricks as well. The Universe is so high maintenance, you destroy it shortly after conquering it. A few centuries later, and "boom", just out of spiteful ennui."
Koschei suddenly sprung up and started to throttle Quatermass, who threw the TCE away. It seemed impossible, but the Master was actually succeeding in throttling him.
"Oh bugger...." gasped Quatermass, hoping that Alaric, Dibble or someone would use it on this...megalomaniac....
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"You can go on ahead; I'm going my own way." she said, readying to flee "Irial can come if she wants though, but I'm going somewhere else."
((Marie does that a lot X3))
"Where will you run to?" Sindri did not want to use force to stop Marie from going her own way, as doing so might release the power of the Mind Lich.
He sensed something as the airship rose.
From nowhere, there came a loud screeching sound...
"DARKNESS CALLS FOR YOU!! !" a loud, unearthly voice sounded in Sindri's mind.
A portal opened up in front of the ship, and tendrils of darkness came out, circling the ship, grasping it, and pulling it into the widening pitch black hole...
Sindri stood in shock, and could only watch as the ship and its passengers were pulled into a wormhole, the only light being that of the fire crystals and the fading real world...
Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!
"My dear Quatermass, what an unexpected pleasure!"
"But I don't understand," muttered Alaric.
"No Alaric, you NEVER do." Then turning to Myrrhdyn, "Why Myrrhdyn, you HAVE been naive."
Casting aside a doll that resembled one of the Scientian monks, he withdrew a brand-new Tissue Compression Eliminator, for this was one of three things he had reworked the block transfer computation to create, and pointed it at Myrrhdyn. The second was a fully functional TARDIS (he had reorganised the genetics of his new body and given it Rassilon's Imprimatur to enable him to use it) which he had been concealing in the form of a stone pillar. "You will allow me to escape with Myrrhdyn and Marie or the former will be dealt with by this device, which I am certain at least two of you will recognise. Also, if you attempt to follow me, you will find it will cost you everything." Then unable to resist himself (and knowing how much it would irritate Alaric, Myrrhdyn and Quatermass) he yet again said the words, "I am the Master and you WILL obey me!"
"So, if it isn't little Koschei. Koschei, the little member of the Deca. Koschei, who wondered how Magnus could just click his fingers and the rest'd follow. Koschei, who sacrificed an entire planet for a love who lied."
A brief time-slash later, and Quatermass was standing nose-to-nose with the Master, wrenching the TCE out of his hands. Harder than it looked, given Time Lord's abilities to resist time distortions.
"You are the Master? You're a pathetic, sad piece of excrement who fears death. You want dominion over the living, yet all you do is kill!"
Quatermass lashed the TCE across the Master's face, who collapsed to his knees.
"The Universe? Yours? Don't forget, little Koschei, I've learnt some new tricks as well. The Universe is so high maintenance, you destroy it shortly after conquering it. A few centuries later, and "boom", just out of spiteful ennui."
Koschei suddenly sprung up and started to throttle Quatermass, who threw the TCE away. It seemed impossible, but the Master was actually succeeding in throttling him.
"Oh bugger...." gasped Quatermass, hoping that Alaric, Dibble or someone would use it on this...megalomaniac....
Alaric seized the TCE and aimed it at Koschei (whom he refused to acknowledge as the Master; Quater's summary had been fairly accurate) which was difficult given the way he and Quatermass were struggling. Koschei paused, planning his next move when before Alaric could use the device on the renegade Time Lord (who in any case had survived its use on himself once, regaining his full size after some trouble) the latter appeared to vanish. While not inside his TARDIS. Or rather into his new TARDIS, as Alaric realised belatedly as he recognised the distinctive sound of a TARDIS departing for some other time, place or both. Alaric cursed (which he did not often do) in exasperation.
"Can you follow with Chronos? While unlike my Time Lord kin lacking a TARDIS I can travel in a similar manner to the timesensitive Tharils, though for slightly different reasons to them, apparently something to do with my ancestors being from different continua within the Multiverse; I learned to control it better while with the Scientians and the Shaft'Ur. However, it is likely he will have sought to guard his tracks with something unpleasant..."
He wondered why the airship had gone, and then realised that he had (predictably) botched the teleportation of the airship; Sindri and Marie were in an alternative reality to Dibble and Ethotoms; Irial had somehow been split betwen both and the version of the airship in this timestream had been drawn to fuse with its counterpart due to some unique property of its own. With the slowing of entropy and various other processes, travel by means not considered conventional on quite a few worlds should not be so risky, but he was torn as to his priorities. He decided to seek Sindri and Marie (the energy-readings of the black mage and the entity implanted in Marie's mind by the artefact should be fairly distinctive, and cloaking was not one of Sindri'a many strengths. At least not against Alaric's piercing psychic gaze...) He promised to meet up with Quatermass, who probably was dying for another chance to confront Koschei anyway; hopefully Alaric would be able bring some powerful allies. He asked Myrrhdyn to accompany him, as her persuasive abilities to (not to mention other abilities) were greater than his own. Hopefully the threat from Ra'a Ruach, while not completely neutralised, had been considerably postponed for the time being...
*Graelwyn's post giving Myrrhdyn's response required, though Quatermass is free to follow the Master if he so wishes, or to escort Myrrhdyn if he does not think Alaric a particularly reliable protector and overlooks Myrrhdyn's own inherent strengths, or if he just wants the company and does not see the Master as that much of a threat.*
You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."
((PM Graelwyn.))
"I'll go find that ingrate that thinks himself 'Master'. You look after Myrrhdyn."
Quatermass used Chronos and slashed his way into the vortex, where the whirling machine of Koschei tumbled through the endless swirl of time and space.
Most people couldn't stand the vortex. Some would age instantly. Others, better protected, would stay floating through eternity, until they were spat out, or, rarely, rescued by a passing time ship.
But Quatermass was not human, or Time Lord. He didn't just walk in Eternity. He could run in Eternity.
It would have been impossible for most beings to even stand in the whirling void, but Quatermass ran for the TARDIS.
And leapt onto it!
"You can run!" yelled Quatermass into what he was sure was the scanner's input interface. "But you can never hide! Have you never heard Koschei? Jack of All Trades, Master of None, CAN OFTEN BE BETTER THAN MASTER OF ONE!"
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"Apparently I'm so powerful, yet I can't even defend myself or convince my own husband to protect me. I might as well hand myself to the soul-gobblers right now." she groaned.
(( I figure Dibble deserves some self-pity!))
"And condemn the universe to non-existence? Sorry, but I have a few objections about oblivion..." retorted Quatermass. If this girl had such a source of power, and it may be needed, then there may be only one way to unlock it. Crisis. An extreme crisis. It might be cruel, but the alternative was that she be destroyed.
Drawing on his power, he duplicated Thanatos and tossed it to Dibble. As she caught it, rather clumsily, he time-slashed, and they were now 31 km in the air, on the edge of Gandesha's atmosphere.
"I have provided air enough for both of us, but once we commence this, you will be free-falling for about 4 and a half minutes. In other words, you've got that amount of time to either find your power, or forfeit. If you forfeit, I will return us to the ground safely. But should you not forfeit before 4 and a half minutes are up, well, you've got maybe another 30 seconds to find your power, or perish."
((Sorry for being cruel Kezzstar, but I'm trying to force Dibble out of her apathy and get her some power.))
((I liked it!))
Dibble threw the sword to the ground.
Without warning, the Bear had floated up to her chest height. She was angry at everything.
"DRAGON FORCE FIRE!" she screamed.
Her Dragon Force was unleashed, only this time it was four flaming dragons rushing towards Quatermass.
He dodged with expert skill ((sorry about powerplaying)).
Dibble blinked.
"Did I just....Did I just do that? I am really really sorry!" she slowly returned to her old carefree self. "I feel a bit better now, but my head's confused in some places, and I really want to know some answers."
Then she realised she was falling.
"To quote my husband-oh f***." Dibble swore for the first time in her life. Then she grinned.
"DRAGON FORCE PLANT." she tried. Out of the ground rose four vine-like dragons which caught her and lowered her to the ground safely.
"WOOT!" she jumped and whooped around.
Ethotoms turned his head. He sensed Dibble's Dragon Force.
"Hmph." he thought. No one in history had been able to use the Dragon Force to toy with the elements, but here was this pathetic child who could.
He wondered if he should go back and tell Dibble the truth. That he never loved her and never would.
((Dammit, I was going to make it a more epic duel!! ! It takes over 4 minutes to fall from that high up in the atmosphere. I got the idea from a story I wrote. Bugger!! !

Why is Ethotoms being so ornery? Has he changed, or has he been taken over, or what? Why did he save Dibble from annihilation then, if he never loved her?))
((I thought I mentioned he was a coward and shuddered at the thought of killing someone, especially a human or child?
Oh, and when you get back from chasing Koschei, I'm sure cheeky little Dibble wouldn't hesistate to challenge you, which was my original intention, so you can write your duel.))
Dibble looked around. Okay, so there was Alaric and Myrrhdyn, and Quatermass had chased after that weird looking fella. And Ethotoms had obviously abandoned her.
Heh heh heh. Not a problem, she had new friends (finally!) and she knew her place.
Maybe she could have some fun with this Alaric...?
Or maybe...
"Myrrhdyn, are you okay?" Dibble asked, thinking maybe she could learn how to heal as well as throw dragons around.
((Okay, you've got it.))
Suddenly, a hole in time and space opened and spewed out Quatermass, who collapsed for a moment.
"Alaric. Koschei got away. But I made sure that his TARDIS is feeling the hurt. He will have to materialise and make substantial repairs. I ripped open the exterior plasma shell, and did a number on his console before he was able to eject me...."
He got up and saw Dibble looking at him expectantly. "Yes?"
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"Thank you, Quatermass, that should at least delay him - though given that however long it takes him to repair his TARDIS he may still return here at a point relatively soon or even earlier..."
His voice trailed off as his glance returned to Myrrhdyn. She had been very quiet for some time and he shared Dibble's concern for her. Often healers like Myrrhdyn left little strength for their own health. He wondered if it might not be overly soon for her to accompany him on the search for Irial, Sindri and Marie. On second thoughts it was unlikely to be much more dangerous than where they were at the moment, and the journey might do her good. Still, her energy levels would need replenishing. His were probably in better shape than those of Quatermass, who in any case disclaimed much healing ability, despite having done a superb job earlier when he (Alaric) had inadvertently given her a headache, to put it mildly. He asked Dibble if she would be able to lend a hand restoring Myrrhdyn to full health, or did she think her powers likely to prove to erratic to be altogether safe for healing work. After all they did not wish to take risks.
You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."
His voice trailed off as his glance returned to Myrrhdyn. She had been very quiet for some time and he shared Dibble's concern for her. Often healers like Myrrhdyn left little strength for their own health. He wondered if it might not be overly soon for her to accompany him on the search for Irial, Sindri and Marie. On second thoughts it was unlikely to be much more dangerous than where they were at the moment, and the journey might do her good. Still, her energy levels would need replenishing. His were probably in better shape than those of Quatermass, who in any case disclaimed much healing ability, despite having done a superb job earlier when he (Alaric) had inadvertently given her a headache, to put it mildly. He asked Dibble if she would be able to lend a hand restoring Myrrhdyn to full health, or did she think her powers likely to prove to erratic to be altogether safe for healing work. After all they did not wish to take risks.
Dibble thought.
"I want to see what I can do with my power first, and how much control I have." she nodded to Alaric. Then she looked Quatermass straight in the eyes, her grin streching miles.
"Come on! You wanna take me on? You're gonna pay for that up-in-the-air trick you pulled on me!" Dibble pulled herself into the air.
"LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!" she let loose with her big light.
((There you go Quatermass....don't beat her up too badly))
His voice trailed off as his glance returned to Myrrhdyn. She had been very quiet for some time and he shared Dibble's concern for her. Often healers like Myrrhdyn left little strength for their own health. He wondered if it might not be overly soon for her to accompany him on the search for Irial, Sindri and Marie. On second thoughts it was unlikely to be much more dangerous than where they were at the moment, and the journey might do her good. Still, her energy levels would need replenishing. His were probably in better shape than those of Quatermass, who in any case disclaimed much healing ability, despite having done a superb job earlier when he (Alaric) had inadvertently given her a headache, to put it mildly. He asked Dibble if she would be able to lend a hand restoring Myrrhdyn to full health, or did she think her powers likely to prove too erratic to be altogether safe for healing work. After all they did not wish to take risks.
Dibble thought.
"I want to see what I can do with my power first, and how much control I have." she nodded to Alaric. Then she looked Quatermass straight in the eyes, her grin streching miles.
"Come on! You wanna take me on? You're gonna pay for that up-in-the-air trick you pulled on me!" Dibble pulled herself into the air.
"LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!" she let loose with her big light.
((There you go Quatermass....don't beat her up too badly))
Seeing Dibble for the moment was otherwise occupied, and agreeing that it would be prudent to learn more about the nature of her strange power before trying them out on anything like healing, Alaric proceeded to use up a considerable portion of his strength in healing Myrrhdyn of a range of ailments and injuries. He then very nearly fell asleep when he remembered that Sindri___.
Abruptly the airship returned
*sorry if some sort of misunderstanding has been going on. Anubis' earlier post seemed to indicate that the airship had not been transported; separating timelines was an attempt on my part to account for any discrepancies, even though one requiring the invention of a further instance of Alaric's incompetence; his (Anubis') most recent post would suggest that he has reacted to earlier posts of mine and cellogirl's/Irial's, making it more simply explicable in terms of different poster's giving accounts happening at different points in (Gandeshan) time. However, given the "Darkness calls you," the wormhole now enveloping the airship with Sindri and Marie (possibly still Irial) could be a different one to that used by Alaric. Your call, Anubis. We could disregard parts of my posts referring to the alternate reality hypothesis or not. Continuity in this world is a complicated business!*
You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."
His voice trailed off as his glance returned to Myrrhdyn. She had been very quiet for some time and he shared Dibble's concern for her. Often healers like Myrrhdyn left little strength for their own health. He wondered if it might not be overly soon for her to accompany him on the search for Irial, Sindri and Marie. On second thoughts it was unlikely to be much more dangerous than where they were at the moment, and the journey might do her good. Still, her energy levels would need replenishing. His were probably in better shape than those of Quatermass, who in any case disclaimed much healing ability, despite having done a superb job earlier when he (Alaric) had inadvertently given her a headache, to put it mildly. He asked Dibble if she would be able to lend a hand restoring Myrrhdyn to full health, or did she think her powers likely to prove to erratic to be altogether safe for healing work. After all they did not wish to take risks.
Dibble thought.
"I want to see what I can do with my power first, and how much control I have." she nodded to Alaric. Then she looked Quatermass straight in the eyes, her grin streching miles.
"Come on! You wanna take me on? You're gonna pay for that up-in-the-air trick you pulled on me!" Dibble pulled herself into the air.
"LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!" she let loose with her big light.
((There you go Quatermass....don't beat her up too badly))
"You still got that gunblade? Well, then..."
The area surrounding them faded, until all they were standing on was a large rock platform, with spires of stone jutting out randomly. An aegis was all that protected the two combatants from the swirling blue energy outside.
Quatermass looked at Dibble.
"The space-time vortex. The Time Lords used this place to travel between planets and millenia. Chronovores and Reapers live and feed here. The Tharils and the Eternals run through here for travel and sport. No doubt the Soul Gobblers have their ways of traversing these wastes. Step outside this aegis without protection, innate or artificial, and you may be aged to dust in an instant, or reverted to infancy. Even if you do survive, you may fall through this void for millennia before being washed up upon the shores of Time again. This, hopefully, will not be a fight to the death. But if you want the strongest test of your powers, get ready. Gnothe seauton!"
Quatermass leaped at Dibble, and the gunblades clashed....
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His voice trailed off as his glance returned to Myrrhdyn. She had been very quiet for some time and he shared Dibble's concern for her. Often healers like Myrrhdyn left little strength for their own health. He wondered if it might not be overly soon for her to accompany him on the search for Irial, Sindri and Marie. On second thoughts it was unlikely to be much more dangerous than where they were at the moment, and the journey might do her good. Still, her energy levels would need replenishing. His were probably in better shape than those of Quatermass, who in any case disclaimed much healing ability, despite having done a superb job earlier when he (Alaric) had inadvertently given her a headache, to put it mildly. He asked Dibble if she would be able to lend a hand restoring Myrrhdyn to full health, or did she think her powers likely to prove to erratic to be altogether safe for healing work. After all they did not wish to take risks.
Dibble thought.
"I want to see what I can do with my power first, and how much control I have." she nodded to Alaric. Then she looked Quatermass straight in the eyes, her grin streching miles.
"Come on! You wanna take me on? You're gonna pay for that up-in-the-air trick you pulled on me!" Dibble pulled herself into the air.
"LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!" she let loose with her big light.
((There you go Quatermass....don't beat her up too badly))
"You still got that gunblade? Well, then..."
The area surrounding them faded, until all they were standing on was a large rock platform, with spires of stone jutting out randomly. An aegis was all that protected the two combatants from the swirling blue energy outside.
Quatermass looked at Dibble.
"The space-time vortex. The Time Lords used this place to travel between planets and millenia. Chronovores and Reapers live and feed here. The Tharils and the Eternals run through here for travel and sport. No doubt the Soul Gobblers have their ways of traversing these wastes. Step outside this aegis without protection, innate or artificial, and you may be aged to dust in an instant, or reverted to infancy. Even if you do survive, you may fall through this void for millennia before being washed up upon the shores of Time again. This, hopefully, will not be a fight to the death. But if you want the strongest test of your powers, get ready. Gnothe seauton!"
Quatermass leaped at Dibble, and the gunblades clashed....
Dibble was knocked back. Uh-oh...
"DRAGON FORCE FIRE!" she sent four flaming dragons towards Quatermass.
Like to see him dodge them again! she thought with a grin.
"Time's Shadow!" yelled Quatermass, and he disappeared away from the dragons, appearing as multiple copies of himself.
The secret of Time's Shadow was that he phased himself ahead of time, harnessing the energy thus released from the Blinovitch Limitation Effect* to send another copy of himself into the future. He was at his best making 4 copies, though he could make more. The surplus energy from the BLE was channelled into his attacks.
*The Blinovitch Limitation Effect is a temporal energy effect that occurs when someone gets too close to a future/past version of themselves. Sometimes, the result is an explosion (cf Mawdryn Undead), or a weakening of time/space in the near vicinity (cf Father's Day). However, in some cases, this energy can be harnessed by those with enough skill. Faction Paradox is said to use BLE energy in power sources and in combat, and despite his contempt for their methods, it says something of Quatermass' willingness to learn that he learned how to change the Faction's techniques for his own ends...
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The secret of Time's Shadow was that he phased himself ahead of time, harnessing the energy thus released from the Blinovitch Limitation Effect* to send another copy of himself into the future. He was at his best making 4 copies, though he could make more. The surplus energy from the BLE was channelled into his attacks.
*The Blinovitch Limitation Effect is a temporal energy effect that occurs when someone gets too close to a future/past version of themselves. Sometimes, the result is an explosion (cf Mawdryn Undead), or a weakening of time/space in the near vicinity (cf Father's Day). However, in some cases, this energy can be harnessed by those with enough skill. Faction Paradox is said to use BLE energy in power sources and in combat, and despite his contempt for their methods, it says something of Quatermass' willingness to learn that he learned how to change the Faction's techniques for his own ends...
"Fudge Ripple!" Dibble groaned...then she remembered.
"Take this!" she threw five stink-bombs at the copies.
((feel free to powerplay with Dibble and the Bear for this duel Quatermass, I'm no good with fight scenes. Just remember that Dibble and the Bear don't have to be close to each other for her to attack (cos Dibble uses the Bear to hold her power), and remember her big light and stinkbombs))
Quatermass knocked the stink bombs away, where they flew into the time vortex.
"Be serious." he said irritably as he stopped using Time's Shadow, the first three 'copies' fading until only one remained. He held out his hand and charged up energy.
"45% EON Blast!"
A blast of dark energy, flecked with green and blue, lanced out from Quatermass' hand...
((I ain't powerplaying. ))
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"Be serious." he said irritably as he stopped using Time's Shadow, the first three 'copies' fading until only one remained. He held out his hand and charged up energy.
"45% EON Blast!"
A blast of dark energy, flecked with green and blue, lanced out from Quatermass' hand...
((I ain't powerplaying.

Dibble smiled.
She flashed her big light. When it had faded, she stood right in front of Quatermass, the Bear being no-where in sight.
"Hello friend. DRAGON FORCE."
From behind Quatermass, four beams of light in the shape of Dragons shot out and grabbed him, squeezing the life out of him. The Bear had been behind him the whole time.
"Yay!" Dibble sqeezed her hands together, tightening the grip of the Dragon Force. She grabbed the gunblade Quatermass had given her and ran at him, preparing to strike.