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TallyMan Veteran
Joined: 30 Mar 2008Gender: MalePosts: 40,061
While you stand arguing who won, I sneak past you both and take the win
Aspiegirl2001 Veteran
Joined: 27 Nov 2008Age: 34Gender: FemalePosts: 696
Oh your wrong lol i win
i_wanna_blue Veteran
Joined: 9 Aug 2008Gender: MalePosts: 11,113
Tallyman enters the fight....Which he will never win.
Leaps onto a skateboard and takes the lead.
*dances* go me,go me,go me! lol
Paints some go-faster stripes to skateboard
i've never won a thing irl, c'mon give me some charity
zooms past i_wanna_blue,and waves
Attaches rocket to skateboard and zooms past everyone
opps not very fast because i passed you, i can see the finish line!! !
V for Victory
C for Champion
Upgrades rockets to jet engines, now doing 5000 mph. Finishing line ahead.
Gets a faster rocket,now doing 10000 mph lol
sneakily puts some water in Aspiegirl2001's fuel tank, her rocket splutters to a halt
T for tired...