envirozentinel wrote:
Is there anyone of Churchill's calibre around in leadership today?
I think it's a different era, and our leaders are not as dynamic and iconic as Churcill exactly, but we have some quite good ones out there.
Of people who enough of us would recognize internationally, I would nominate:
Malala Yousafzai
"Yeb" Saño
Bill McKibben
Pope Francis
Elizabeth Warren
And although I'm sure he's not perfect, I'm watching Xi Jinping, China's President. He's made some strong moves to root out and reform corruption, seems to be amenable to peaking China's coal use and reducing it, and it also appears that he has a policy of treating Tibet significantly better than his predecessors (though he obviously isn't supporting independence). I'd at least include him on a list of leaders who are doing important work to steer their nations in a "less bad" direction.
I have both good and bad things to say about our (the US's) President. He's actually still easily my favorite US President in my lifetime, but he's a mixed bag, in that I think he has caved to supporting a few policies he shouldn't (being a little too accepting of "collateral damage" in his use of drones and air strikes, coddling the oil and gas industries and corporatism in general too much... the TPP is a horrible thing coming up on the horizon), but he's also had a very tough "row to hoe". He's President of a very divided nation, and I deeply sympathize with him for being handed a situation in which we have problems coming out our ears and he can't seem to make anyone happy... not to mention all the prejudice, threats and petty posturing leveled against him. Nevertheless, he's managed to do his part to keep the country from totally falling apart, and we're at least not all standing in bread lines every day... though I suspect he had to make a few deals with the devil in order to accomplish that. He's taken some important first steps toward US environmental responsibility through the EPA and so forth. He needs to go further though in supporting solutions. I try not to abandon him, badmouth him or be a fair-weather supporter, and I like him as a person and his ideals, but I do have some real concerns about his administration in practice.
I'd heard some good things mentioned about Brazil's President, but it appears she's had some direct past involvements with violent militancy, which is pretty much an automatic disqualification in my mind, no matter who they represent. And she's supporting hydroelectric projects which would flood parts of the Amazon. Not good for species diversity, plus I am learning that dams surprisingly produce a lot of greenhouse gasses, due to methane release from organic material that builds up behind the dam, sitting and rotting.