Fantasy Lands-Gandesha-Let's Roleplay!
Quatermass stared at Merithae.
"Wonder why I didn't spot that. Someone must've hidden that deliberately within an artificial event horizon. Accreting matter to make ogres? Is that just for trouble or for some sinister plan. And actually speak, please. I hate telepathy. I don't need a mind full of Dragun..."
(No longer a mod)
On sabbatical...
"And I can't easily see into the house, the apparent origin of this, because there is a dampening field. And because my magic is so low, I can't see in it at all."
Cow Kitty tries to shimmer in the house, but the dampening field blocks that too.
"And we can't teleport into the house as evidenced by my companion's unsuccessful shimmer"
"Hey, you don't look too hot"
"A transtemporal relocation from a spinning fairground ride, and being so spatially confused that you smash through a roof to get on top of it...You try it and see if you haven't got a splitting headache."
Quatermass looked around the room. He wasn't exactly dependent on magic, but he knew dampening fields when he saw them.
"Myrrhdyn did put those into her house. Well, a few of them. She didn't want her guests fighting. Watch."
Quatermass aimed his cupped hands at a wall, and yelled "EON blast!"
CRACK! A small blackened spot appeared on the wall, which Quatermass rubbed off hurriedly.
"Actually, it is stronger than it was before, when I last came here. I could've made a fist-sized hole in that wall at that time, but that was a 0.1% EON blast. That could've blown out much of the wall. Either she's been expecting trouble, or she may have trouble under her own roof..."
(No longer a mod)
On sabbatical...
"Hmmm, Cow Panther could get through it no problem, but she's busy protecting a woman, who the ogres seem to be attacking"
"She could shimmer over here, but she would have to take human form to bring the woman, and she's not inclined to do that often, seeing as how, naturally, she's a naked human"
"I knew I should have brought her dress"
"Just be patient, if you shoot that cloud the house will blow up, and I sense that Myrrhdyn and Cow Panther will have a problem. If you do that thing you do with that device you have, and that house has something nasty in it you're cooked. I can see where I'm shimmering and turn back if I have to. If only I could shimmer."
Thank lord for the stinkbombs! Dibble watched the proceedings that followed through the window.
She knew that she shouldn't be peeking. But she sensed danger.
"Maybe my big, I don't know how to protect anyone." she thought.
Behind her was a huge Lizard.
Correction, a huge HUNGRY Lizard.
It was hungry for magic. And Dibble was full of it.
"I should have listened to the Toymaker and stayed at home." sighed Dibble. She drew her oak staff (which was great for hitting people and things) and whacked the Lizard on the head.
Nothing. It ran at her and grabbed her by the throat.
Merithae throws +200 headache curing rifle at Quatermass.
Why he has a gun that cures headaches and not just some super powerful Excedrin is anybody's guess.
Quatermass examined the rifle, then shot himself with it. (Not an easy thing to do unless you can fold space)
"Ahh, instant relief. Okay, I have a gunblade, a Sword of Time, a few flashbangs, spatial disruption field generators, and a squeaky toy."
Merithae looked at him.
"Hey, it distracts some creatures. And some creatures are killed by the specific sound frequencies. Oh, a Time-Vector Generator and a sonic screwdriver. What've you got?"
Meanwhile, the EON blast fired by Quatermass earlier actually didn't dissipate when it hit the wall, but went through it. The time and space delay was partly due to a quirk in the standing field, and though weakened, the beam took most of the lizard creature's face off. Not killing it, mind, but making it injured enough for Dibble to jump free...
((Sorry Kezzstar, couldn't resist))
(No longer a mod)
On sabbatical...
Dibble looked at the Lizard.
"Oh yeah! Take that! Teach you to mess with DIBBLE!" she jumped around happily.
Then she saw Quartermass, and figured it out. The Lizard shook it's head and walked off miserably.
Dibble, tail between her legs (literally), walked inside.
"Thank you for saving me with the blast. Even though it was unintentional." Dibble took her hat off, and thanked her saviour. And, in a real first for her:
"I'm sorry about before with the stink-bombs. I was only having fun." she apologised.
In penance, she offered Quatermass a white rose with a diamond seed.
"Please accept my gift. It will grant you three wishes. Thank you again." she immediately dropped her gaze. She had never felt guilty or humble before, and it was overwhelming her. "I'll just leave now. Good-bye!" she began to back out.
"Oh yeah! Take that! Teach you to mess with DIBBLE!" she jumped around happily.
Then she saw Quartermass, and figured it out. The Lizard shook it's head and walked off miserably.
Dibble, tail between her legs (literally), walked inside.
"Thank you for saving me with the blast. Even though it was unintentional." Dibble took her hat off, and thanked her saviour. And, in a real first for her:
"I'm sorry about before with the stink-bombs. I was only having fun." she apologised.
In penance, she offered Quatermass a white rose with a diamond seed.
"Please accept my gift. It will grant you three wishes. Thank you again." she immediately dropped her gaze. She had never felt guilty or humble before, and it was overwhelming her. "I'll just leave now. Good-bye!" she began to back out.
Quatermass looked down at the strange rose that the monkey/clown had given him. He then looked at Merithae, who shrugged.
"Saving her? Oh well, c'est la fleur. Now, where did I put that...?"
Again, out of the pockets that would make a bag of holding obsolete, he pulled out a case made out of ultra glass, a glass/cermaic composite. He placed the rose inside, and folded it through space until he put it back in his pockets.
"Hey, it's a nice flower...."
(No longer a mod)
On sabbatical...

Joined: 22 Aug 2006
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Location: Looking for the ubermensch
The moon cast an enchanting light on the streams, as Sindri stalked through the night, towards Grosling Manor, in search of something much more than a mere trinket, and no-one was going to stand in his way.
The massive hedge was a pathetic barrier.
Sindri pulled a small bottle of grade 3 plant poison out of his sturdy bag, and splashed it onto the hedge in front of him. The hedge began to turn black, and started shrivelling towards the ground. The hard branches rotted away, and within one minute, all that remained of the hedge was a pile of black leaves and goo. Sindri walked straight through where the hedge used to stand tall. The mansion was about 40 metres away from that point, and the 19 year old Black Mage crept silently towards the back door...
Sindri had now reached the only apparent back door of the manor. He gave it a nudge, and it felt soft, but it did not move.
He pulled a bewitched skeleton key out of his pocket, and attempted to unlock the door. Upon one twist, the door was unlocked, and Sindri proceeded through the house, with an air of deadly silence. It was quiet, as expected, and the mage crept along, opening and closing doors in his path. The particular artifact Sindri was after laid somewhere in the house's cellar. He tread carefully through the large hallway, past grand paintings of artists long dead, and found the cellar door, a well-polished brown colour, which was, yet again, locked. One flip of the key, and the door was free, exposing an inpenetrable darkness.
Sindri cast a flame spell with his left hand, and kept it burning to light the way. He lit the candles along the staircase, and reached the bottom of the stairs. He could have used a crystal torch, but he needed his hands free.
The Black Mage drew his sword after lighting the first chamber, a wine and food cellar. Beyond that was what he had come for, sealed off by a magic stone door...
For a time Marie found herself beyond the door, trapped by this magic that encased the stone. An artifact kept this room in such a state of isolation, as if cut off from the rest of the world. When such a child appeared within it she found herself trapped, and panicked. For hours she feared starving and suffocation, and out of desperation she turned to the magic to keep herself alive. As she threw herself upon this strange vaguely described artifact it seemed to accept her, but now wanted yet another vessel aside from the room to keep itself out from harm's way.
So it took Marie in as its host, fading away into her body. As she felt it disappear the sense of hunger and shortness of breath lost instantly and she felt herself with the strength to leave. However, the artifact did not want her out of the place. It turned against the unsuspecting youth, trapping her in its own magic. Crystal grew around her, keeping her in place until it encased her own body. Now she was kept suspended inside yet another prison of magic in suspended animation, awaiting someone to set her free.
((character looks like this- ... weater.png
Also I hope this isn't too much of a powerplay))
Irial, lost, tired, muddy, and in a bit of a bad mood, looked upon the deserted manor with an approving eye.
This'll do, she thought to herself.
Reasoning that entering through the front door would be a lot more trouble that its worth, Irial decided to scope all four sides of the building. Perhaps she could gain entry through an unlocked window. Irial noted, however, that the windows were far too high up for her slight form to climb through.
In a quick, rash, and rather stupid moment, Irial climbed up a scraggly tree besides a darkened window, and the tree promptly began to fall over, taking Irial with it.
Irial screamed, and buried her face in a needly branch as she and the tree crashed through the first story window.
After the inital shock of crashing through a window wore off, Irial stood up, picked several pieces of glass off of her apprentice uniform, and tried to find out what room she had managed to enter.
It was a small study of sorts, with dark mahogany bookcases on all four walls. The thick red carpet matched the curtains that were lying on the floor. Despite the fact that one wall was partially missing, the room was by far more beautiful than anything Irial had seen in her life. She stood still for several seconds, transfixed with awe, until she heard footsteps down the hallway, apparantly approaching her.
Maybe the manor wasn't abandoned after all.
I'm like an opening band for the sun.
-Pearl Jam
Apathy is not a vice, it is a relieving and downright enjoyable life-choice.

Joined: 6 Sep 2006
Age: 136
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Lifting her hand up through her long sleeve she placed her hand flat above her eyes and pressed her black nose against the crystal glass, somewhat curious. She could vaguely remember why she was trapped anyways but was relieved to think that someone would free her.
"Hey mister~!" she called out, pressing her body now against the glass and tail wagging as if she was some puppy at a petstore window. However, because of the casing her words could not reach his ears and he could only see her happy face.
Sindri, taken aback at this complication, took bloodbane and shattered the crystal. He cast an isolation spell on the shocked girl, and asked "What is your business here, and who are you?"
Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!
"Oh yeah! Take that! Teach you to mess with DIBBLE!" she jumped around happily.
Then she saw Quartermass, and figured it out. The Lizard shook it's head and walked off miserably.
Dibble, tail between her legs (literally), walked inside.
"Thank you for saving me with the blast. Even though it was unintentional." Dibble took her hat off, and thanked her saviour. And, in a real first for her:
"I'm sorry about before with the stink-bombs. I was only having fun." she apologised.
In penance, she offered Quatermass a white rose with a diamond seed.
"Please accept my gift. It will grant you three wishes. Thank you again." she immediately dropped her gaze. She had never felt guilty or humble before, and it was overwhelming her. "I'll just leave now. Good-bye!" she began to back out.
Quatermass looked down at the strange rose that the monkey/clown had given him. He then looked at Merithae, who shrugged.
"Saving her? Oh well, c'est la fleur. Now, where did I put that...?"
Again, out of the pockets that would make a bag of holding obsolete, he pulled out a case made out of ultra glass, a glass/cermaic composite. He placed the rose inside, and folded it through space until he put it back in his pockets.
"Hey, it's a nice flower...."
Dibble couldn't resist. She had been alone for so long, ever since the 'incident' with the Toymaker.
"Will you be my friends?" she asked Quartermass and Merithae, giving them her "big eyes".
Marie's ears pressed back some bit and she found his actions so swift and confident that she couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated. Looking up to the man she heard him ask a question or two after casting a strange spell around her. Before she could utter she felt strange sensations fluctuating all around her body, and she shivered, feeling the artifact isolated from her body, but still trapped within. It was this sudden disconnection of power that left her feeling a little woozy but otherwise fine.
"Y-yes..." she said, not every sure if that was an answer "I am a hybrid child from Cryssna, and I assure you have no need to get tough or rough with me... I might not be so delicate but I still dislike rough play."
She had yet to explain her presence, then again even she seemed to lack an understanding of it. If she was to retell she could only do so vaguely and that would most likely dissatisfy this stranger.
Oh poo, can't get images to work~