KyleTheGhost wrote:
Thanks for the battle, Skilpadde. I have fought no one except predictable AIs with one-track minds. Always the same thing strategy. Nice to face a real opponent for a change.
you for the battle, Kyle! Yesterday was fun!

I’ve never played against someone else before either, just AI.
KyleTheGhost wrote:
In addition to those Pokemon, I have also used Articuno, Beedrill, Charizard, Exeggutor, Muk, Tentacruel, and of course, Mewtwo himself. I have studied to see which Pokemon has the best stats and the best moves available to them.
Articuno was one of my favorites in the card game. Took an awful lot of cards, but gosh so strong!
I also always study the stats and moves before choosing my team, so it’s annoying that the updated Pokedex is usually published some months after the game is released.
I wonder what the next game is gonna be. Pokemon Z? Pokemon X/Y 2?
A new remake? So far Blue/red/yellow/ fire red/ leaf green is the only version not available on DS.